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蓝色有时象征沉闷悲哀,有时又象征淫秽。Blue symbols sadness and sometimes coarseness.

被毛中等长度,粗硬。He has a coat of moderate length and coarseness.

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这个男孩子因为很粗鲁被同侪排挤。The boy was rejected by his peers due to his coarseness.

他似乎不知道自己的粗陋不雅会叫别人难堪。He seemed unaware that his coarseness might cause others to suffer.

这个布料很粗糙,穿起来很不舒服。The coarseness of the fabric makes it really uncomfortable to wear.

他永远也不能从他那粗野无知中解脱出来。He'll never be able to emerge from his bathos of coarseness and ignorance.

真正的中国人也许粗糙,但粗糙中没有粗劣。The real Chinaman may be coarse, but there is no grossness in his coarseness.

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他永远也不能从他那粗野无知中解脱出来。And he'll never be able to emerge from his bathos of coarseness and ignorance.

干燥且肌肉发达,没有任何行动迟缓或粗糙低劣的样子。Body is dry and well muscled without the appearance of sluggishness or coarseness.

提出了基于遗传密码的粗粒化方法,有效的避免了过分粗粒化现象。The coarseness method based on genetic code was proposed to avoid excessive coarseness.

但是,未刮净的汗毛茬会给人以粗糙的感觉。But stubble lacks the finer taper of unshaven hair, giving the impression of coarseness.

在现实的磨砺中,心却渐渐的粗糙冷漠。In the reality of the furnace, the heart will be coarseness and inhospitality gradually.

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根系的体积、萝卜根数量和粗度也均具优势。Root system's volume, the radish root quantity and coarseness also have the superiority.

我妻子美丽的相貌变得粗陋不堪,她的缺陷发展到最坏的地步。My wife's beauty turned to coarseness , and her weaknesses developed to their worst extent.

在纤维结合较差的纸页中,撕裂强度随纤维粗度的增加而增加。The tearing strength is increased with the improving of the fiber coarseness in a poorly bonded sheet.

分析了粗糙度对电触头,尤其是轻负载用电触头接触电阻的影响。Coarseness effects on contact resistance of electric contacts, especially, light_duty ones were analyzed.

我周围所见所闻都是无知、贫穷、粗俗,这使我灰心丧气到了无能为力的地步。I was weakly fell dismayed at the ignorance, the poverty, the coarseness of all I heard and saw round me.

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细小纤维含量和纤维扭结指数降低,纤维平均长度和纤维粗度增加。The fines content and kink index of fiber obviously decreased while the fiber length and fiber coarseness increased.

讨论了纤维的长度、粗度和纤维的内在强度对纸页的抗张强度、撕裂度和耐破度以及纸页成形性能的影响。Fiber length, coarseness of raw material and pulp from different pulping process were determined by FS-200 type fiber analyzer.

他觉得亚瑟王及其骑士们天真得可爱,但他们粗鲁无礼、虐待奴仆的行为又令他感到震惊。He thinks Arthur and his knights engagingly native but is shocked by their coarseness and their inhumane treatment of the servants.