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什么是土生华人珠绣?What is Peranakan beading?

她把珍珠串在一起做成项链。She was beading pearls for a necklace.

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高玻璃杯中的冰茶在热气中凝出水珠tall glasses of iced tea beading in the heat

它讲述了一个发生在中国的一个轮胎制造厂的故事。So it covers a story in a beading factory in China.

下图很清楚的教你怎麽制作这个串珠蝴蝶。Following is a very clear diagram for this butterfly beading.

大珠的项目,可以做两件容易小时的会议。Great beading projects that can be done easily in two-hour sessions.

松绿色的串珠以及许多细节上的创新使得这条棕色的A字裙变得与众不同。This brown A-line gown features turquoise beading and lots of interesting details.

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阅读是人的权利,阅读有利于提高民族素质,阅读应当成为人们生活的一部分。Beading is a human right, and is helpful to improve the national quality of a nation.

附加到一个串珠花从一个工匠在这个自由的提示干珠视频。Attach a beaded flower to a stem with tips from an artisan in this free beading video.

首创电脑自动钉珠刺绣产品,效率高价格平。Beading and embroidery products first computer automatically, high efficiency at reasonable prices.

这件尼日利亚约鲁巴人创作的剑套上有许多用珠子组成的图案,左边放着的剑是由木头和铁制成的。Beading dominates the design for this Yoruba sheath. The staff at left is made out of iron and wood.

在蓝宝石玻璃珠是用灯光的颜色设置成精细帧口音在蒙大拿州丰富的蓝色色调。The beading is in the hue of rich montana blue with light sapphire color accents set into filigree frames.

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看看这些能提升牛仔魅力的小细节吧,如佩内洛普·克鲁兹的褶皱花边,或者海蒂·克鲁姆的珠饰。Look for crafty details that will dress up denim, like Penelope Cruz's frilly ruffles or Heidi Klum's beading.

合金球配件是专业针对手工系列套装项链,手链,耳环及五金饰链珠饰搭配效果与众不同。Alloy ball accessories are arranged for handmade series necklace, bracelet, earrings and hardware chain beading.

如果你有指甲油,珠饰线还有一双巧手的话,你可以自己给妈妈做束花,做束永不会凋谢的花。If you have nail varnish, beading wire and nimble fingers, you can make your mom a mini bouquet that will last forever.

通过与不同颜色的玻璃珠线玩,我还可以添加其他的装饰元素水平的设计。By playing with different colors of beading thread, I could also add another level of decorative elements to the design.

你可以放纵你在缝纫,珠串上的爱好,或者去日本购买丝织品。You can indulge your favorite hobby in a scrapbooking, sewing, or beading retreat – or take a tour to buy Japanese textiles!

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高等级筋花边裙充分婚纱与礼服,低胸黑色放在了花边。白象牙颜色可供。High class lace beading full skirt bridal gown with pleating taffeta on the top of the lace. White and ivory color available.

潮州市米纳珠绣有限公司是一家专门设计和生产时尚晚礼服的厂家。Chaozhou Mina Beading & Embroidry Co. Ltd is a company which specializes in designing and manufacturing fashionable evening dress.

对所有中性和碱性基板具有快速干燥的特性。这意味着,在几小时内就有明显的珠串效果。Quick drying on all neutral and alkaline substrates. This means that the Beading Effect is noticeable within a few hours of application.