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我爱日落。I love sunset.

圣托里尼的黄昏。Sunset over Santorini.

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一直骑到日落吗?Ride off into the sunset?

黄昏时分的莫赫悬崖。Cliffs of Moher at sunset.

几杯薄酒的温意,怎能抵御日落后凛冽的寒风?The chilly winds of sunset?

走啊走啊就这么走着!Yep. Right into the sunset.

日落在休伦河。Sunset over the Huron River.

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夕阳映红了天空。The sunset dyed the sky red.

夕阳映红了天空。The sunset dyes the sky red.

旧印刷物上的鲜艳色彩。The sunset glows with color.

海边小别墅的傍晚。The seaside small villa sunset.

这些树在夕阳下显示出鲜艳的颜色。The trees glowed in the sunset.

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日落胭脂红,无雨便是风。Sunset Carmine, no rain is wind.

日落时我们已走了10公里。We'd marched 10 miles by sunset.

你就像夕阳西落一样美。You're as beautiful as a sunset.

夕阳为大海披上了一件金黄的纱衣。Sunset to put on a golden sea of.

在码头,MOL,比利时的日落。Sunset at the jetty, Mol, Belgium.

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落霞消残,渐沉入西方的天际。As after sunset fadein in the west.

晚霞染红了天空。The sunset glow tinted the sky red.

我们把车泊在路边,去观赏日落。We pulled over to watch the sunset.