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忧郁是漂亮女孩的专利。Gloominess is the patent of beautiful girls.

暗紫色使人联想起忧郁和悲伤。Darker purples can conjure gloominess and sadness.

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那份无力和渺小,我的心,一片灰暗。That is incapable and is tiny , my heart , a gloominess.

母羊天生乐观而蜜蜂天生忧郁?Are ewes naturally cheery and bees predisposed to gloominess?

是我们自己应该对我们所定义的忧郁负责任。We ourselves are responsible for our self-defined gloominess.

将我们的世界充满了寒冷和黑暗的冬天?Will our world be filled with the cold and gloominess of the winter?

感到消沉或沮丧的缘由是缺乏自信。Feelings of depression or gloominess result from a lack of self confidence.

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我真的不明白为什么有些人总想传播痛苦和忧郁。I’ve never understood why anyone would want to spread misery and gloominess.

黑暗中你沉重的呼吸是清晨弄堂里熟悉的雾。Ur heavy breathing in the gloominess is familiar with the early morning lane's fog.

普京总理承认,看到水下幽暗的景象,他感到很惊讶。The prime minister admitted he was surprised by the gloominess of the underwater scene.

宣泄女性的幽暗面,对她们符合人性、符合常理的行为进行无情的嘲讽。The gloominess of women was utterly explored and jeers were made at their reasonable humanly deeds.

有氧运动能缓解消极郁闷的情绪,减轻由于焦虑导致的紧张,变得更放松。Aerobic exercise can ease the gloominess of depression, reduce the tension associated with anxiety and promote relaxation.

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苏童直面人性的黑暗与丑陋,给我们展现了一种长期被忽视的真实,还原历史的一面真相。Sutong reveals the real fact ignored by the people for so long time by uncovering the gloominess and ugliness of human being.

家里的层层污垢容易刷除,而肯哈心中的忧虑,才是志工所心疼的。The dust and grime in the house can easily be scrubbed off, but it is the gloominess of Khann's heart that worries the volunteers.

他后来以跳楼方式告别人世,与这种长期受压抑的苦闷心情有某种内在的联系。Later, he had to commit suicide to leave this world, where he had been so long spiritually repressed and suffocated by an innate desperate gloominess.

正如离开了危险印象的背景我们就不会欣赏安全的魅力一样,在经历过混沌,幽暗和未知之后我们才能真正领会我们是多么渴望井然的秩序。However, we would not desire for order until we are confronted with chaos, gloominess and unknown, as we would not appreciate security once we are out of danger.

货物积压导致了零售商一些经济上的问题,但是拥挤的展厅已经从黑暗之中迎来了变化,这将使今年大多数时间的写照。The backlog has caused a cash crunch for some dealers, but the crowded showrooms were a welcome change from the gloominess that has characterized most of this year.

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而草堂期形成的萧淡婉丽之风此期发展为更加细致入微,清新婉丽。During the period when he was in Kuizhou, the style of gloominess became even more profound, but the sceneries of Kuizhou makes his style more meticulous than previously.

最重要当然是在经过了极其黑暗和忧虑的一个月后,我们进入了联赛杯决赛,而且仍然很有希望竞争四项冠军。Much more importantly, of course, we march on to Cardiff in a campaign which, despite a month of extraordinary gloominess and anxiety, is still thrillingly alive on four fronts.

所幸的是朋友带来的大雨,总为我洗刷那完美运行孤单带来满足的机器,刷洗长久工作产生的黏腻。Fortunately, friends always bringing me the rain that washes the machine, which perfectly operate loneliness and generate fulfilling, washing away the gloominess of continuous working.