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她冷酷无情的态度引起我的反感。Her callous attitude repels me.

她冷酷无情的态度引起我的反感。She was selfish, arrogant and often callous.

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这个问题看起来似乎很愚蠢,甚至冷酷。Thelast question may seem dumb or even callous.

有的男人冷酷无情,吝啬不堪。Some men are cold, they're callous and they're mean.

麻木不仁的人们,醒来,反对战争!The benumbed and callous people, wake up to oppose wars!

这表明你已经无情地触犯了她。It signifies that you have offended her in some callous way.

但这些都是旨在使那些硬心肠的人良心得到安慰的委婉语。But these are euphemisms to ease the conscience of the callous.

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不管相信与否,真的是有无情的人。Believe it or not, there really are people exactly that callous.

你可选择于重置步骤中不重置无情压制者。You may choose not to untap Callous Oppressor during youruntap step.

只有硬心肠的人才能看到苦难而不设法拯救。Only a callous person can see suffering without trying to relieve it.

冷漠有时候并卟是无情只是一种避免被伤害的工具。Sometimes callous indifference is not only a tool to avoid being hurt.

主要是我们的左手经常会磨出硬茧,而且中提琴的尺寸也要稍微大一点。We usually have more callous on the left hand , and the viola is bigger.

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它的肌肉变得如钢铁般坚硬,它对一般的疼痛已经麻木。His muscles became hard as iron, and he grew callous to all ordinary pain.

这一统计数字时常被人引用,以显示人们是多么地麻木无情。It's a statistic often quoted to show how callous and heartless people are.

殖民者惨绝人寰地屠杀了成千的土著居民。The colonists massacred thousands of natives with brutal and callous force.

将这个奖项扣押一年,甚或五年,看起来似乎不近情理。Withholding the prize for a year, or possibly five, might seem rather callous.

译即使是铁石心肠的人,看了关于战争的新闻报道也会被感动。Even the most callous observer would be moved by the news report about the war.

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一位无情冷漠的妈妈,派森的不寻常的行为导致了强烈的变化。A callous and indifferent mother, Passion's unusual behavior took a violent turn.

我看到你右手食指被乳钵柄摩出老茧的地方了。I saw the callous spot on your right forefinger where the handle of the pestle rubs.

奶白色沙发的插入改变了近乎冷酷的基调。The insertion that suckles white sofa changed approximately callous fundamental key.