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卡罗琳和道格拉斯也将出席。Caroline and Douglas will be there too.

现在请允许我向各位介绍卡罗琳。And now, I’ll hand you over to Caroline.

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请找卡罗琳·尤厄尔接电话。Could I have Miss Caroline Ewell, please?

莉薇觉得自己对卡罗琳的态度变温和了。Livy felt herself soften towards Caroline.

然而赫福德表示,刚果并非特例。And Caroline Hurford says Congo is not alone.

她由女演员卡罗琳·布莱基斯顿扮演。She was played by actress Caroline Blakiston.

姐姐卡罗琳教会了他许多人生第一课。His sister Caroline gave him his first lessons.

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琳达把卡罗琳追求一名男子的情况描绘得恰到好处。That Caroline ran after a man was hit off by Linda.

彬格莱的妹妹卡罗琳本身对达西颇感兴趣。Bingley's sister Caroline is interested in Darcy herself.

卡罗琳把她的一身献给了写作和慈善事业。Caroline has devoted her life to writing and philanthropy.

上周我就这些话题和卡洛琳·卢卡斯展开了讨论。Last week I argued about these issues with Caroline Lucas.

卡罗琳•穆尔海德的绝妙新书由此得名。Hence the title of Caroline Moorehead's excellent new book.

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嗯,我想我最好是现在就离开。卡罗琳,再见。Well, I think I d better be leaving now. Goodbye, Caroline.

她向女学生卡罗琳·塔克颁发了英勇奖状。She presented a bravery award to schoolgirl Caroline Tucker.

我们在汉城的记者卡罗琳·格卢克现在加入我们的报道。Joinig me now from Seoul is our correspondent Caroline Gluck.

但是卡洛琳坚决不去想她的学校可能会离他们而去。But Caroline refused to contemplate that her school might die.

卡罗林不仅能唱歌,而且也能弹钢琴。Caroline can not only sing songs, she can also play the piano.

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我之前已经提到了,但说真的--卡罗琳今晚很坏。I've mentioned it before, but for real -- Caroline was bad. ass.

露西娅坐下,冲着卡罗琳感激地笑了笑。As she sat, Lucia gave a wan smile of gratitude to Caroline Amory.

真是太混乱了。但是,卡洛林姑姑的信是说什么呢?。It's very confusing . But what does aunt Caroline say in her letter?