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没有人诅咒沙皇。None curse the Czar.

沙皇是很辛苦的Being a czar was a busy job.

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俄国沙皇一九一七年被推翻。The Czar of Russia was overthrown in 1917.

美国“薪酬沙皇”将对他网开一面。S. pay czar will give Benmosche leeway on pay.

他也以沙皇之尊颁布有关日常生活的法令He promulgates decrees as czar about daily life.

你这个小屁孩,因为有一匹这样的马,沙皇曾将奖章授给了我。With a horse like that, the Czar gave me a medal.

美国“薪酬沙皇”将对他网开一面。The U.S. pay czar willgive Benmosche leeway on pay.

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当时还没有严格的沙皇继承制度There were no strict rules for the succession of the czar.

它是由“恐怖的沙皇伊凡”于16世纪中叶所建。It was built by Czar Ivan the Terrible in the mid-16th century.

离开教堂后,沙皇参观了教堂图书馆。After leaving the chapel the Czar inspected the chapter library.

我还任命巴里·麦卡弗里将军为新的反毒品专员。I also named General Barry McCaffrey to be America’s new drug czar.

俄国东正教于2000年封沙皇及其家人为圣徒。The Russian Orthodox Church canonized the czar and his family in 2000.

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在那个夏天,我明白沙皇为什么要派人来给她颁奖了。That summer, I could see why the Czar sent his men to give her a prize.

使节们同时也递上了他们希望沙皇能签字的协议。The ambassadors also handed over agreements they hoped the czar would sign.

你作为教育沙皇或女皇,回馈将变成你的朋友和导师。With you as educational czar or czarina, feedback becomes your friend and guide.

设立一个具体职责模糊,独揽汽车业大权的职位是奥巴马计划的第二部分。The second part of Obama’s plan is the creation of an auto czar with vague duties.

但每个俄国人对沙皇效忠的意愿,却被加强了Yet there's an enhanced sense of obligation to the czar of all the Russian people.

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即彼得大帝的一言一行,很不符合沙皇的身份Peter the Great had an enormous ambivalence about his role and his image as a czar.

夫妻地位就像俄国沙皇和农民、董事长和接待员之间那样悬殊。Husband and wife were like czar and peasant, chairman of the board and receptionist.

但是来自北京的“气候大员”高广生的要求却呈现出新的特点。But the demand took on an entirely new characater coming from Gao, Beijing's climate czar.