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垃圾车。Garbage truck.

一辆卡车急驶而过。A truck dashed by.

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我需要一辆牵引车。I need a tow truck.

大货车停车场?。Truck parking area?

这辆卡车拉力大。The truck pulls well.

卡车颠簸着前进。The truck jerked along.

一部卡车隆隆地开过。A truck clattered along.

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您需要辆拖吊车吗?。Do you need a tow truck?

卡车向北行驶。The truck is going north.

一辆重型卡车隆隆驶过。A heavy truck lumbered by.

一辆卡车从他身边飞驶而过。A truck scorched past him.

货车正在卸货。The truck is disburdening.

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一辆卡车撞入他的汽车尾部。A truck rear-ended his car.

卡车嘎的一声煞住。The truck ground to a stop.

货车或坠毁的飞机,择一炸之。Bomb Truck or Crashed plane.

一片树叶飞到了一辆卡车底下。One leaf is under the truck.

这辆卡车能装三堆。The truck could stack three.

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今天,蒂米开一辆卡车。Today, Timmy drives a truck.

我要租一辆2吨的卡车。I want to rent a 2-ton truck.

请你派一辆修理车来好吗?。Could you send a repair truck?