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最重要的是去年的油价危机的再次出现看起来是不可能的了。All in all, a reprise of last year’s oil crisis seems unlikely.

钢琴在自己的展开主题中,演奏出一段贯穿在两行五线谱中的重奏。Noted in two staves, the piano plays a reprise of its own opening theme.

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这重复了2006年时当参议员麦凯恩告诉联盟的成员同样的事情。It was a reprise of 2006, when Sen. John McCain told union members the same thing.

基弗·萨瑟兰将重新演绎让他获得艾美奖的角色CTU探员杰克·鲍尔。Kiefer Sutherland will reprise his Emmy Award winning role as CTU Agent Jack Bauer.

艾玛·沃特森和鲁伯特·格林特将继续饰演赫敏·格兰杰和罗恩·韦斯莱。Emma Watson and Rupert Grint reprise their roles as Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.

在有些方面,这份报告重复了美国军方之前的评估。In some respects, the report is a reprise of previous assessments by the U.S. military.

接着你就可以开始说了,最后再总结和重复你的主要观点,结尾时的总结要富有力量和激发性。Finally summarise and reprise the main points. Finish with a strong and motivational summary.

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然而,最大的威胁是当年春夏时节商品价格的再度急升。But a greater threat is a reprise of the spring and summer of that year, when commodity prices soared.

好,刚刚讲例子,可能讲得有点快,所以我再重复一下。All right. Now in giving the example, I've gotten a little bit ahead of myself, so let me reprise a bit.

克里斯汀·斯图尔特与罗伯特·帕丁森是如今年轻人心中新的超级明星,他们再一次以贝拉和爱德华的角色回来了。Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, now superstars in the teen-hero firmament, reprise their roles as Bella and Edward.

我倒是把当前的情况看作是1930-1931年席卷美国的银行危机的小型翻版。I like to think of what’s happening as a sort of minor-key reprise of the banking crisis that swept America in 1930 and 1931.

特别要说的是安妮斯顿,之前人们认为她“名气太响了”所以不大可能重演瑞秋这个角色,但实际上正是她发起电影版的制作。Apparently Aniston, once believed to be "too famous" to reprise her role as Rachel, is leading the charge in getting the movie made.

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伊丽莎白·班克斯将继续出演之前的角色——五彩缤纷的艾菲,凯匹特人,坚定地相信着饥饿游戏。Elizabeth Banks will reprise her role as Effie, the colorful member of the Capitol district who is a firm believer in The Hunger Games.

某种程度上说,投资者正用美元来重演一套在本世纪以来大部分时间内推动日圆走低的策略,即融资套利交易。In some ways, investors are using dollars to reprise a strategy that helped weaken the Japanese yen for much of the decade -- what is known as the carry trade.

向内作圆周运动,先腕关节,后肘关节,最后两臂伸直再活动肩关节,各做4次。Make circular motion upcountry , first wrist, hind ancon is articulatory, finally reprise of two arms unbend the shoulder is articulatory, each are done 4 times.

除了在故事的评论,布赖恩戈德内证实,运动员梅根福克斯和什叶派毕福将返回出演电影在第三的作用。In addition to the comments on the story, Brian Goldner confirms that stars Megan Fox and Shia LaBeouf will be returning to reprise their roles in the third film.

「舞蹈可以让整个秀增加色彩。」林宥嘉会在演唱会上表演跟上次演唱会一样的舞蹈。"Dancing adds colour and livens up a show, " said Lin who will reprise for fans at the Singapore outing, the song and dance segment that was staged in his previous concerts.

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此次受到三聚氰胺污染的牛奶成了2008毒牛奶事件令人心寒的再现,当时全球很多人对中国在食品安全上的承诺产生了质疑。Milk tainted by the toxic chemical melamine is a chilling reprise of deadly events in 2008 that prompted many around the world to question China's commitments to food safety.

演出很成功,观众中有一位名叫大卫•里恩的英国剪辑师,他后来请吉尼斯在1946年根据此剧改编的电影中再次担任了这个角色。The play was a success. One of its viewers was a young British film editor named David Lean, who had Guinness reprise his role in the former's 1946 film adaptation of the play.

根据尼龙在线的消息,本剧制片人准备在下一集“黑色圣诞”中让蜜雪儿·崔倩柏格回归乔治娜·斯帕克角色。According to Nylon Online, the series' producers are planning to bring back the "Black Christmas" star to reprise her role as Georgina Sparks for the teen drama's upcoming episode.