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煎锅放油。Grease the pan.

油污堵塞了下水道。Grease fouled the drain.

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隙缝中常填入润滑脂。Often fill in gaps grease.

汽油溶解油脂。Gasoline cuts oil and grease.

不要用油脂涂抹患处。Don't grease the affected part.

一滴滴的油顺着他的下巴流下。Gobs of grease ran down his chin.

使用时需要提供润滑油脂。It needs grease or oil when used.

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母亲用油脂涂沫了双手。The engine was covered in grease.

羊毛脂,即动物皮毛所分泌的油脂Lanolin aka Grease from Animal Fur

母亲用油脂涂沫了双手。Mother smeared grease on her hands.

这些油迹洗不掉。Those grease stains won't wash off.

衣服被油脂渍住了。The clothes are stained with grease.

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水洗不掉这些油斑。Water won’t touch these grease spots.

你的衬衣上有块油斑。You have a grease spot on your shirt.

彻底清洁并给所有部件上油。Clean and grease all parts thoroughly.

提利昂舔着他手上的肥油。Tyrion licked grease from his fingers.

他让这个工人给车轴涂些机油。He asked the worker to grease the axile.

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肥胖的总督熟练地舔掉了黏在嘴唇上的油脂。The fat man dabbed grease from his lips.

你应该先往锅里加点儿油。You're supposed to grease the pan first.

我上衣上的油迹怎样才能去掉?。How can I remove the grease from my coat?