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她对他的勇气敬佩之至。She bas admiration for his courage.

逐渐在梅陇地区形成一个盆地。Gradually form a bas in in Zigzag area.

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然后大概还有60个表演专业文学学士。and then probably another 60 or so BAs in acting.

当她意识到玩具对不起她并没有这样做。She bas sorry when she realized Squeaker didn't do it.

测定了砂浆棒和混凝土棱柱体的膨胀率。The expansion of mortar bas and concrete prisms were tested.

此外,还鉴定出含铋脆硫锑铅矿和含锰脆硫锑铅矿。In addition, Biand Mn-bearing jamesonite bas also been identified.

星铁制成的防具在AC上有天生的增强加值。Armor fashioned from ferroplasm bas a natural enhancement bonus to AC.

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“4份粑粑啊!等十分钟!”孙姐说着,就进了里屋。"4 Bas Ba! Etc. is ten minutes! "Sun Jie says, entered an inside house.

煤矸石种类对水化性能有影响。The kind of admixed coal gangue bas influence on the property of cement hydration.

他的律师,巴斯马登斯形容他的肩宽是一米长,身前到身后也是一米长。His lawyer, Bas Martens, also described him as being a meter wide and a meter deep.

制定中长期医学策略,与BA达成一致并实施。Work on mid- and long- term medical strategies and implement themasaligned with BAs.

本项工作所研发的程控仪已成为产品样机,经过检测和动物实验验证。This newly developed programmer bas been tested by industry and validated by animal experiment.

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最后以扬州市汉留镇河道清淤、保洁的市场化做实证分析。On the above bas , the paper took the Hanliu town of Yangzhou city for a demonstration analysis.

结论合成的几丁聚糖生物膜具有一定的抑制滤过手术通道瘢痕化的作用。Conclusion chitosan biomembrane bas inhibition effect on the healing process of the filter surgery.

普通矿渣按碱性系数分为碱性矿渣和酸性矿渣。Blast-furnace slag may be divided into basic and acidic ones on tbe bas is of coefficient of basicity.

第一章在论述双缺口理论基础上,研究我国的资本缺口问题。The first chapter studies the question of capital gap of our country on the bas is of double gap theory.

在热压期间,基体中的单斜相钡长石由玻璃态钡长石原位转变生成。The monoclinic celsian phase in the matrix was produced in situ, during hot pressing, from amphosous BAS.

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煤与天然气共气化是基于天然气蒸汽转化和煤气化工艺耦合的一种新工艺。Co-gasifying coal and natural gas is a new process bas ed on methane steam reforming and coal gasification.

背景图案为浅浮雕,展示古代体育竞赛分项,浮雕后面是一座希腊神庙。In the background, a bas relief illustrating the sports disciplines from Antiquity. Behind, a Greek temple.

按照上述的观点,我们在这里尝试对作坊规模面包房的制面包方法作一些说明。It is in view of the foregoing that an account bas been attempted here of the plan for a cottage scale bakery.