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除了召回。Beyond recall.

你今天招回了吗?。Do you recall today ?

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我记不清了。I just can‘t recall it.

把借出的工具要回来。Recall the tools on loan.

许多人都不赞成召回。Many argue against a recall.

阅读或者回忆一个笑话。Read or recall a funny joke.

你回想自己所犯的错误。You recall the mistakes you made.

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马鲁蒂召回影响菲亚特塔塔吗?Maruti recall to impact Tata, Fiat?

你就能得到一封召回品的邮件。You'll get an email for every recall.

我回忆不起确切的情况。I can’t recall the exact cirumstances.

我想起孔子说的小人。I recall " flunky" named by Confucius.

回忆往事,你是快乐还是忧伤?Recall the past, are you happy or not?

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冒泡排序就是一种比较排序。Bubble sort recall is a comparison sort.

直到现在我还能回忆起这幅夜景。I can recall this evening scene even now.

如果我没记错的话,他住在卢顿。If I recall correctly, he lives in Luton.

我记起许多我们没说出的往事。As I recall the many things we left unsaid.

我想不起来他在会上说了些什么。I don't recall what he said at the meeting.

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学习后小睡下能帮助记忆。Napping after studying can help with recall.

现在我真想不起你的名字。But I cannot recall your name at this moment.

我不记得有过资金回收的保证。I don't recall seeing a money-back guarantee.