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他做了一个虚情假意的承诺。He made an unctuous assurance.

大多数时候老板做虚假的承诺。Most of time bosses make unctuous promises.

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这个统计分析是不可信赖的。The unctuous receptionist seemed untrustworthy.

过了一会,佩克姆将军装出一副和蔼可亲的神情微微一笑,又活跃起来了。General Pecken roused himself after a moment with an unctuous and benignant smile.

撒切尔夫人是否理会这些花言巧语的劝告,现在还没有迹象可以表明。If Mrs Thatcher took any notice of all this unctuous advice then there is no evidence of it.

可塑性的成熟红水果的芳香混合了新鲜咖啡豆和摩卡咖啡的香味,令人陶醉。Unctuous ripe red fruit aromas intermingle with hints of freshly ground coffee beans and mocha.

她不同于其他普通的白酒,油质和温和,非常强烈的香气,浓郁且回味悠长。It is a non common white, unctuous and soft, with powerful aromas and flavours and a lingering finish.

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口味浓郁,风味颇佳,有着乳脂般的质感,回味中蕴含浆果与土司芬芳,优雅而持久。On the palate it is concentrated, unctuous and savory, with a beautifully long finish of woody fruits and toasty notes.

他在片中的角色虽小却极其残忍,使蝙蝠侠在纽约城中和小丑、D。His part as Maroni is small but crucial, with Roberts as an unctuous urban menace who tangles with Batman, the Joker and D.

做一个信守承诺的人要比一个油腔滑调,今天不顾明天的人。A man who keeps the promises alwasys gain more applause than only enjoy today but regardless of tomorrow to have no unctuous.

索甸通常是美味的,金色的和精致的。著名的古老的笔记显示索甸还是有一点历史的。Sauternes are often delicious, golden, unctuous and delicate. The famous roasted note comes when Sauternes is a little bit older.

一个不甘心在花言巧语,从不兑现承诺的教育者身上浪费数十亿美元的国家才有可能听取逆耳忠言的意见。A nation weary of wasting billions on unctuous educators who never deliver what they promise may be ready to hear some hard truths.

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口感丰腴,醇厚,黄桃芳香与精致的木香及香草气息交织融合,在微妙的蜂蜜清香衬托下更显芬芳。On the palate it is ample and unctuous with aromas of yellow peach flesh combined with refined notes of wood and vanilla, all enhanced by a rich sensation of honey.

此酒香气馥郁,蕴含菠萝干与清新的杏子、蜂蜜芬芳。酒体丰腴而醇郁。口味十分甜润,与精致的果酸交相辉映,恰倒好处。Flamboyant aromas of dried pineapple combined with fresh apricots and honey in this rich, unctuous wine that's incredibly sweet yet not cloying, thanks to vibrant acidity.

煮熟的水果香、香料、绿茶和可可粉的味道自然地融合在柔顺平滑的单宁里,口感饱满、酒体结构匀称丰富。Flavors of plum compote, spice, green tea, and cocoa are the introduction to this wine as velvety, unctuous tannins blend with a juicy, naturally balanced mid-palate of complex structure.