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一会儿之后,她是喜上眉梢。A moment later, she was beaming.

“这些是我的小宝贝”,他微笑着说。"These are my babies," he says, beaming.

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管先生一家喜气洋洋的搬入新居。Mr Tube a beaming moved into a new house.

元宵节这天到处张灯结彩,喜气洋洋。Lantern Festival day everywhere decorated, beaming.

在喜气洋洋的老年有着一种无以名之的曙光。There is an indescribable aurora in beaming old age.

两人对视着,老人仍然笑眯眯的。They looked at each other, the old man still beaming.

乔布看着我,眼睛里闪烁着钻石般的光芒。Job looked over at me, his eyes beaming like diamonds.

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他的海象胡子在笑眯眯的嘴巴上抖动着。His great walrus mustache curved above his beaming mouth.

像一位10岁小孩一样地微笑,史必哲眉开眼笑地看著空旷的看台。Beaming like a 10-year-old, Spitzer ogled the empty stands.

我仍然期待着能够在下一届的比赛中拿到四连冠。I still hope to win the fourth next time, " said a beaming Liu.

这位父亲连上洋溢着笑容,说道“,对我来讲,她每天都很漂亮”。"She looks beautiful every day to me," the beaming father said.

突然间,猫舰长看见前方有一到光正对著它的船闪耀著。Suddenly, Captain Cat noticed a light beaming directly to his ship.

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你能在他们的面目上认识恩泽的光华。Thou wilt recognise in their faces the beaming brightness of Bliss.

我们一起走在校园里,每个人都冲我们微笑,我妈也面露喜色。We walked by the campus, with everyone smiling at us, my mom beaming.

列车员卡尔性格开朗,他带领我们走过长长的列车,把我们引到自己的车厢里。Cal, our beaming attendant, escorts us through the train to our carriage.

的比赛,然而,事实证明神采奕奕电力工程,纽金特说。The contest, however, demonstrates that beaming power works, Nugent said.

他放下话筒,眉开眼笑,用口哨吹著一首快乐的曲子。He replaced the receiver, beaming from ear to ear, whistling a happy tune.

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一件事情,达到回出谁在那里我们的信号是喜气洋洋。Something to reach back out to whoever is out there beaming signals at us.

我发现自己通过这种方式喜气洋洋可爱的喜剧白痴。I found myself beaming idiotically through this adorable comedy of manners.

灿烂的村民爬上家门前的梯子。Beaming villagers scramble up ladders to smarten up the fronts of their homes.