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我们就是这么推广推特的。We did this with Twitter.

为何大部分的Twitter用户要弃之不用呢?Why Most Twitter Users Give Up

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将不提供叽叽喳喳密码。Will not provide twitter passcode.

题为“碎碎念会使你变得不道德吗?Entitled "Can Twitter Make You Amoral?

你一天要花多长时间在微博上?Or how much time you spend on Twitter?

利用“碎碎念”来留住你朋友圈中的粉丝。Use Twitter to keep your fans in the loop.

唧唧喳喳地道着晚安。Hark, 'tis the sparrows' good-night twitter

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为你的twitter花5分钟。Pick a day for your 5-minute Twitter session.


Rowghani将在3月份正式加入Twitter。Rowghani will join Twitter officially in March.

他要求Twitter用户不要再转发这类信息。He asked Twitter users not to re-post the messages.

008年我成为推特的老板。In 2008 I stepped into the chairman role of Twitter.

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鸟儿开始在树丛中啁啾鸣啭。Birds had begun to chirp and twitter among the trees.

Jaiku是一种类似Twitter的微型博客服务。Jaiku was a microblogging service similar to Twitter.

你可以使用Twitter作为它的追随者,以得到它的业务通讯。You can follow him on Twitter and get his newsletter.

微启的双唇呢喃谁的姓名心头难忘。Enlight lips twitter whose memorable name in my heart.

然而事实上,他是在发送人类史上的第一条Twitter信息。In fact, he was sending the first-ever Twitter message.

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围脖拥有400万用户,基本就是一个中国的Twitter。Weibo, with 40 million users, is like a Chinese Twitter.

目前为止,连岳在Twitter上已经拥有了将近33000个关注者。To date, Lian Yue has nearly 33, 000 followers on Twitter.

Morey也可以通过Twitter发送命令给他的家电。Morey can also send commands to his appliances via Twitter.