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我赞佩你的决心。I applaud your decision.

我赞赏这种承诺。I applaud this commitment.

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对这些人,我拍手喝采你。To these people, I applaud you.

做你自己,我会为你鼓掌。I applaud you for being yourself.

多数不丹人欢迎国王的命令。Most Bhutanese applaud the king's rule.

话剧表演结束后,所有人都起立鼓掌。After the play, everyone stood up to applaud.

他们一起起身为他的演讲鼓掌。They rose as one man to applaud his speech.

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与此同时,让我们鼓掌拍拍手。In the meantime, let's applaud Clap Your Hands.

所有的观众对他们的精彩演出拍手叫好。All the audience applaud to their excellent performance.

如果这就是新的中国,世界只能为之喝彩。If this is the new China, the world can only applaud it.

不过,对于克服弱点、追求尽善的尝试,我同样会喝彩鼓励。But I will applaud the attempt to overcome human foibles.

我们对论坛起到的积极作用表示赞赏。We applaud the positive role SPIEF has played over the years.

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俺们还有什么理由不为他们鼓掌、不为他们加油呢?We have no reason not to applaud them, not to cheer for them?

大家都起身对他令人难忘的英勇之举交口称赞。Every person stood to applaud his unforgettable act of courage.

我能说点儿什么呢?如果我耳边有掌声响着,我跟你们去哪儿都行。What can I say? Applaud in my ear and I'll follow you anywhere.

护士对VTI多普勒探针的方便性和安全性表示赞赏。Nurses applaud the convenience and safety of VTI Doppler Probes.

当他们最喜欢的女喜剧演员登台时,他们鼓掌欢迎。They applaud their favorite comedienne as she come on the stage.

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我在这儿赞许他们在推销真女人上所做出的努力。I'm here to applaud them in their efforts to market to real women.

说实话,这样做的理由深得我心。To be sure, we've been doing this for a reason I resoundingly applaud.

他唱得真不怎么样,经常走调,不过我还得鼓掌叫好。He sings terribly, out of tune now and then, but I still have to applaud.