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我现在一步步的来。I have got into a sequel to a sequel.

他在续集中再次扮演原来的角色。He reprised his character in the sequel.

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我们在电视上看了蜘蛛人的续集。We watched the sequel to "Spiderman" on TV.

久旱使很多人陷入饥饿。Famine is often the sequel to war or drought.

好莱坞最疯狂的夏天即将创造票房记录。Hollywood's betting sequel summer will set records.

突然,在续作中的“暗黑式”呈现出来。Almost immediately, the "Diablo-ness" of this sequel came out.

跟我们想象的续集比起来,续集总是很烂。The sequel *always* sucks compared to the sequel in our heads.

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电影公司想让她在去年那部成功影片的续集里担任主角。The studio would like to star her in a sequel to last year's hit.

可爱、精力充沛的小猪,在“奥莉薇”续集中回来了。The charming, energetic little pig, is back in a sequel to "Olivia".

可爱的高踢腿熊猫在续集里必须跟新的邪恶作斗争。The lovable high kicking Panda must battle a new evil in the sequel.

这以后她就提供给我关于希刺克厉夫的历史的续篇。And afterwards she furnished me with the sequel of HeathclifFs history.

她还在研制一种续集皱纹,腰围、和湿裤子。She is also working on a sequel to Wrinkles, Waistlines, and Wet Pants.

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哈利波特首部剧集的震撼几乎吸引了所有年龄段的人们。The thrill of this first sequel appealed to people irrespective of age.

将有一个山及叶片续集除此之外多人扩大?Will there be a Mount & Blade sequel besides this multiplayer expansion?

第二天,我坐在家里的老式电脑屏幕前,敲出了一部续集。I sat down the next day at our old green-screen PC and typed out a sequel.

这篇游记是上一篇的后续部分,依然是关于嘉峪关风景区的。This post is a sequel of previous post, still about Jiayu Pass Scenic Area.

这就是生活,他们毫不掩饰地说出我爱你然后了解,每一段故事都会有一个结局。C'est la vie, as they say L. O. V. E evidently, see every song has a sequel.

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腥风血雨的基督超过人类,将在续集中的一般判断。The reign of Christ over mankind will be the sequel of the General Judgment.

这些方面的改进可以减少或消除风险爆发的恶劣后果。These ameliorations can deduce or remove the worst sequel of risk's eruptible.

目前,经过了一天的续集拍摄工作,他们四人正在城里。All four were in town after working yesterday on the still-in-production sequel.