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多因素和多层身份验证Multifactor and multi-layer authentication

多因素身份验证本身可以分层。Multifactor authentication itself can be layered.

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采用多种安全机制的多因素身份验证的现实需求The need for multi-security mechanisms with multifactor authentication

多因素模型在现代投资理论中居于重要地位。Multifactor model holds important position in modern investment theories.

多因素分析表明,临床分期和CA125半衰期对预后有影响。Multifactor analysis showed FIGO stage and CA125 half-life were factors affecting prognostic.

人们常常认为多层身份验证是多因素身份验证的同义词。Often people tend to consider multi-layer authentication as a synonym to multifactor authentication.

其发生机制是多因素的综合结果,治疗措施也具有多样性。Multifactor could contribute to the mechanism of SCII, and the prevention measures of SCII are various.

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采用单因素分析与多因素分析HCH的危险因素。The risk factors for HCH were studied by means of both single factor analysis and multifactor analysis.

本文指出解决方案需要构建使用多种安全机制的多因素身份验证。It states the need to have solutions built using multi-security mechanisms with multifactor authentication.

对于实现多层身份验证的系统,也是如此。The same holds true for systems implementing multi-layer authentication instead of multifactor authentication.

但是,在多因素身份验证和多层身份验证之间有明确的差异。However, there is a clear line of differentiation between multifactor authentication and multi-layer authentication.

随后夏普建立了资本资产定价模型和单指数模型,罗斯等人建立了套利定价多因素模型。Subsequently sharpe raised the single index model and capital asset pricing model ross founded the multifactor model.

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在多因素决策问题中,因素权重的确定是制定决策的关键问题之一。To determine the weight coefficent is one of the most important problems in the evaluation of multifactor decision-making.

此外,该文还对DTOPSIS法在亚麻品种进行综合评价中有关问题进行了讨论。In addition, some problems about using DTOPSIS for multifactor evaluation of new flax varieties was discussed in this paper.

在多因素身份验证中,使用多种检验机制检查身份的真实性。In multifactor authentication, the authenticity of an identity is verified and validated using more than one validation mechanism.

脊髓型颈椎病是一种严重的退行性疾病,其发生机制是多种因素作用的结果。Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy is a serious degenerative disease of cervical spine, of which the mechanism results from multifactor.

使用多因素方法分析驾驶员的路线选择行为较为合理,但因较为复杂而不易使用。Multifactor Logit model is effective to describe drivers' behavior of route choice but is difficult to use because of its complexity.

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为了满足这些安全需求,必须使用多层身份验证或多因素身份验证,或这两者的组合。To meet these stronger security needs, either multi-layer authentication or multifactor authentication or combinations of both are used.

系统常常使用多因素身份验证提高安全性,减轻犯罪造成的风险。Multifactor authentication is generally used by systems to create a higher degree of security in order to mitigate the risk from criminals.

FF多因子模型是资产定价理论的重要模型,它对于中国股市是否也同样适用呢?。FF multifactor model is an important model in asset pricing theory. Whether it can be used in Chinese stock market is a keystone in our paper.