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褶做的装饰的皱褶。To make into a ruffle or frill.

你不该这么爱生气。You shouldn't ruffle so easily.

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她的温和性格使她遇到任何事情都不会恼火。Nothing can ruffle her gentle disposition.

女裁缝用褶裥饰边给女上衣镶边。The seamstress bound the hem of the dress with a ruffle.

身着黑褶薄裙卡门•斯看起仿若女。Carman Kass looked girlie in a black ruffle chiffon dress.

我经常抱怨风,因为它会吹乱我的发型。I was always complaining the wind, as it may ruffle my hair.

她卷起一支香烟,微风吹乱了她的头发。She let the breeze ruffle her hair while she rolled a cigarette.

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飓风在Hermine来临之前席卷德克萨斯和墨西哥沿岸。Hurricane watches ruffle along the coasts of Texas and Mexico ahead of Hermine.

葛德华“也许会得罪一些人,但他对谁也不会示弱,”齐塞尔说。And Koch "might ruffle a few feather, but he never backed off from anybody, "said Zissel.

华为追逐小额的基础设备订单不会激怒华盛顿的抵制。Huawei is chasing subtle infrastructure wins that won’t ruffle too many feathers in Washington.

为了抵御寒冷天气,鸟儿们竖起羽毛,裹住一层层的暖气,使身体与外界隔绝。To combat cold weather birds ruffle their feathers trapping layers of warm air to insulate their bodies.

冰蚀槽长满了夏绿色的莎草和其他喜爱潮湿的植物,蜿蜒在阿拉斯加一处酸沼的褐色干燥山脊上。Troughs thick with summer-green sedges and other wet-loving plants ruffle the dry brown ridges of an Alaska bog.

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她承认,她的言论可能会激怒美国加州山景城谷歌总部的一些人。She acknowledged that her remarks might ruffle some feathers at Google headquarters in Mountain View, California.

对于美女明显的偏见取决于看到简历雇主的性格,莱夫说。The apparent bias against attractive women depended on the type of employer that reviewed the resumes, said Ruffle.

葛德华“也许会得罪一些人,但他对谁也不会示弱,”齐塞尔说。“我就喜欢他这一点。”Koch "might ruffle a few feather, but he never backed off from anybody, "said Zissel. "That's what I like about him. "

接着,是一个长长的沉闷的黑暗延伸时期,在这个过程中,一些小小的涟漪开始划过宇宙这平滑的幕布。A long stretch of boring darkness ensued, during which some ripples began to ruffle the otherwise smooth fabric of space.

牠会先停在窗台,全身的羽毛都竖起,大声地吱喳而鸣,然后就一头飞向玻璃窗猛撞过去。The bird would perch at the base of the window, ruffle its feathers, chirp loudly, and then fly headfirst into the glass.

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葛德华“也许会得罪一些人,但他对谁也不会示弱,”齐塞尔说。“我就喜欢他这一点。”And Koch "might ruffle a few feather, but he never backed off from anybody, "said Zissel. "That's what I like about him. "

其中部分提案激怒了法国和德国,但德法两国也暗示这些提案方向正确.Some of these proposals ruffle feathers in France and Germany but Paris and Berlin signaled they went in the right direction.

蓝军球星认为埃里克松的球队有足够的实力在明年德国的世界杯上有所作为。The Blues star thinks there is enough quality in Sven Goran Eriksson's squad to ruffle a few feathers in Germany next summer.