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这本书就是献给老师的。The book is dedicated to him.

这座小教堂于1880年举行献堂礼。The chapel was dedicated in 1880.

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她献身科学。She dedicated her life to science.

培根向国王递呈了一份奏章。Bacon dedicated to the King a paper.

他的一生都奉献给他的人民。He dedicated his life to his people.

这一次,他是专门为锡耶纳来的。This time, he is dedicated to Siena.

谨以此书献给我的老师。This book is dedicated to my teacher.

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你需要一个专用的工作间。You need to have a dedicated workspace.

忠实于科学,献身于健康!Dedicated to science! Devoted to health!

谨以此图献给所有的有情人!Dedicated to all of us with this picture!

希腊人把一座庙奉献给神。The Greeks dedicated a shrine to the god.

一个属于庇理罗士女子中学的测验。A quiz dedicated to Belilios Public School.

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她将她的第一本书献给了她父亲。She dedicated her first book to her father.

新教堂的献堂仪式将在星期日举行。The new church will be dedicated on Sunday.

光荣本身曾执着的爱过你。Fortunate to have dedicated their loved you.

作者谨以此书献给她的家人。The author dedicated the book to her family.

专门的项目管理式的界面A dedicated project management-like interface

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他把自己的一生献给了科学事业。He dedicated himself to the cause of science.

作为一个科学家,他献身于追求真理。As a scientist, he was dedicated to the truth.

这将需要勤奋工作,竭诚努力。This will take hard work and dedicated effort.