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这个世界范围的家畜流行病不会很快减少。B. The worldwide epizootic will not decrease immediately.

这种动物流行病在人群中引起极大的恐慌。D. The epizootic has caused tremendous fear among people.

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每年此地区都发生呈流行形式疾病。In the areas the disease occurs annually in epizootic form.

目的研究吉林西北部草原达乌尔黄鼠鼠疫预报模型。Objective Studding the model for forecast of plague epizootic of Citelas Dauricus.

要防止发生家畜流行病,必须在暴发之前进行动物免疫。Animal immunization must be implemented prior to an outbreak if an epizootic is to be prevented.

这次黄热病暴发发生在猴子中家畜流行病暴发之后,后者于2007年4月开始暴发,并传播到80个城镇。This outbreak of yellow fever follows an epizootic outbreak in monkeys that started in April 2007 and has since spread to 80 municipalities.

我们选取了烂鳍病、白便病和腹水病这三种在2002~2003年最为常见的养殖大菱鲆细菌性疾病进行病原学的研究。Base on the diseased samples and cases derived from the coastal regions of north China, epizootic investigation has been performed during 2002 to 2003.

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随着集约化水产养殖的发展,由寄生虫引起的鱼类流行病的暴发越来越频繁。Epizootic outbreaks of fish diseases that caused by parasites are increasingly common as a result of intensive aquaculture, fish farming and sea ranching.

2007年12月至2008年1月期间发现的家畜流行病事件数量有增无减,在该段时期内又传播到另外23个以上的城镇。An increase in the number of epizootic events was observed between December 2007 and January 2008, reaching more than 23 new municipalities in that period.

对动物源性疾病疫源地的积极长期监测和快速应对以便在兽疫流行暴发期间减少接触已在减少人类鼠疫方面取得成功。Active long-term surveillance of zoonotic foci and rapid response to reduce exposure during epizootic outbreaks have been successful in reducing human plague.

本文是对中国对虾黑鳃、褐斑综合症进行病原菌分离和人工感染试验的报告。This paper is a report on both the pathogenic bacteria isolation and an artificial infection test of the epizootic black gill and brown spot of shell disease syndrome.

环境卫生专家和流行病学家密切监测有可能感染人类的家畜流行病,以便提早采取预防措施。Environmental health specialists and epidemiologists watch carefully for epizootic conditions that may be transmitted to humans so they can take early action to prevent human disease.

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跨界动物病害是传染性很大或可能跨越国家边界迅速严重蔓延的动物流行病。Transboundary animal diseases are epizootic diseases that are highly contagious or transmissible with the potential for very serious and rapid spread, irrespective of national borders.

在鼠疫动物病流行过程中,其对促进秋冬季流行高峰、辅助主要媒介携带鼠疫菌越冬方面,具有不可忽视的作用。This flea plays a very important role in advancing the prevalent peak of plague in autumn and winter and helping the main vector overwintering with plague in the epizootic process of plague.

RIP对于发现潜在的鼠疫疫源地、监测鼠疫动物病及其流行强度等既有理论价值,又具有实践意义。Therefore, the RIP test has its practical significance as well as theoretical value in the location of potential plague foci and the surveillance of epizootic plague and its epidemic intensity.