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来我身边岜,亲爱的。Come to me, my sweetheart.

请你别哭,心肝儿。Please don't cry, sweetheart.

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女孩,常指某人的情人。A girl, often one's sweetheart.

你的爱人很会唠叨吗?Does your sweetheart nag a lot?

我真渴望见到心上人。I'm dying to see my sweetheart.

你以为我不想工作吗,心肝儿?Don't I want to work, sweetheart?

啊目光炯炯有神的爱人!O sweetheart of the gazes bright!

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我的心上人,情人节快乐!Happy Valentine's Day! Sweetheart.

这叫智取,甜心。This is called outwit, sweetheart.

现在吃夜宵时间好像都有点晚啊。Just go for supper with my sweetheart.

我喜欢为自己的心上人削苹果皮。I like to peel apples for my sweetheart.

即便是人猿泰山,也有他的恋人和朋友。Even Tarzan has a sweetheart and friends.

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她和她幼时的恋人私奔了。She eloped with her childhood sweetheart.

我们很快就会时来运转的,心肝儿。We'll get a lucky break soon, sweetheart.

他与他青梅竹马的情人订婚了。He is engaged to his childhood sweetheart.

我很守约,三月,是我的情郎。I'm very punctual. March is my sweetheart.

你的爱人是因为你的喋喋不休而烦躁吗?Is your sweetheart crabby about being nagged?

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你的爱人因为慢性疼痛而变得易怒吗?Is your sweetheart crabby due to chronic pain?

甜心很喜欢他的新玩偶,粉红宝宝!Sweetheart Loves her new puppet, Babie Pinkie!

我的情人是一只温柔的梅花鹿,一匹母性的梅花鹿。My sweetheart is a gentle sika, a maternal sika.