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她的脚喀嚓喀嚓地踩在沙砾上。Her feet scrunch on the gravel.

不要那样缩头缩脑的,坐端正。Don't scrunch up like that. Sit up straight.

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看衣服是否容易褶皱,做“揉捏测试”Do the "scrunch test" to see if clothes stay wrinkly.

堆砌了另一个球是略小的手腕。Scrunch up another ball that's slightly smaller for the wrist.

在任何站姿体式里都不要用脚蜷缩或者紧抠地板。Never scrunch up or grip the floor with your toes in any of the standing poses.

为了达到彻底的放松,我把耸到与耳朵大致相平的位置,然后慢慢的把肩膀松弛下来。To relax, I scrunch up my shoulders to my ears and then slowly let them fall down.

一个粉碎这些数字的好方法是无论在任何地方都尽可能地省钱。A great way to scrunch those numbers is to make an effort to save money wherever you can.

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一款由电子纸制造的概念闹钟,关闹钟的时候,揉成一团就好了!Conceptual alarm clock based on digital paper. To switch the alarm off, just scrunch it up.

然后用报纸卷成一个小球,做成头。用更多的胶带纸使它保持形状。Then scrunch up a thin ball of newspaper to make a head. Use more sticky tape to hold it in place.

在这里我可以躲藏,把滑门拉上关在橱柜里,使劲闭上双眼,然后吸气,在我的这另一世界。Here I could hide, slide the doors shut behind me, scrunch my eyes tight and breathe in another world.

许多人脚趾疼,因为他们总是要蜷曲脚趾夹住人字拖的线绳,还有个别人是因为脚趾碰到了硬物体上。Many also suffer aching toes as they constantly scrunch them up to grip the thong, while there is also the danger of the odd stubbed toe.

冷漠,恐惧,担心着我的论文,我被它淹没了,使我全身碾碎,然后变成了大问号。Coldness, dread, worrying my thesis, all inundated me, making my whole body scrunch more and more closely, then finally became a reverse big question mark.

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没有任何情况需要你坐在拥挤不堪的教室里,为集中注意力而眯起眼睛,或者一字不漏地背出晦涩、荒唐的具体事实。There are no cases in which you have to sit down in a crowded room, scrunch your eyes up in concentration and regurgitate obscure and ridiculous facts from memory.

在华府的第一个早晨,我意识到忘记买淋浴帘,所以只好蜷缩靠在墙边沐浴,以免水洒到卫生间的地板上。My first morning in Washington, I realized I'd forgotten to buy a shower curtain and had to scrunch up against the shower wall in order to avoid flooding the bathroom floor.

睡在万尼亚膝盖上的弗拉迪米尔突然起来了。不一会儿,他们听见靴子踩着雪地的卡嚓声,还有老彼得跺脚的声音—他想把雪从靴子上抖下来。Vladimir stirred suddenly in Vanya's lap, and a minute later they heard the scrunch of boots in the snow, and the stamping of old Peter's feet trying to get the snow off his boots.