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此命令正确的合作伙伴关系的木色。This proceed rightly betrothal the color of wood.

在古希腊也有赠送”订婚戒指”的习俗。The ancient Greeks also offered a "betrothal ring".

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但是这么昂贵的彩礼就值得讨论了!However, such a high"betrothal gift" is worth discussion!

他们举行了盛大而又欢乐的订婚仪式。Their betrothal took place with great pomp and rejoicings.

提起彩礼,我们最熟悉不过了。When it comes to "betrothal gift", we are most familiar with it.

得益于冯夫人,夫人范和青年学者进入订婚。Helped by Lady Feng, Lady Fan and the young scholar entered betrothal.

第二天,进行了第一轮例行的订婚互访。In the course of the next day the first of the usual betrothal visits were exchanged.

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教堂的钟都响起来了,传令人骑着马在街上宣布订婚的喜讯。All the church bells rung, and the heralds rode about the town proclaiming the betrothal.

在这本圣经以及其他版本的圣经中都没有提及订婚戒指或是结婚戒指。There is no mention of betrothal or marriage rings in this or any other edition of the bible.

爱所驱使的一些思想和行为,对于某些人来说不就等于神圣的婚约吗?For certain souls do not some thoughts and actions, prompted by love, amount to solemn betrothal?

中国大多数地区都保留有新郎给女方家里送聘礼的习俗。Most parts of China hold the tradition of the bridegroom giving betrothal gifts to the bride's family.

应当注意到,在印度,婚约是任何时候都可以确定的,而且经常发生在约定的对象刚出生时。It should be noted that the betrothal of a marriage can happen at any time, and often will occur at birth.

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从那时起我就将这一降D大调的作品命名为婚约练习曲,并将自己看作是一个媒人。Since then I have named the piece in D flat major as the Betrothal étude, and look on myself as a matchmaker.

与紫桐定亲的徐家却生意蒸蒸日上,成为八大油号的领军人物。The Xu Jia with violet tung betrothal however business flourishing, make 8 lard bugle call get military thing.

程不允,表示父亲拿了人家彩礼,罗大全拿了陈子明武器,我就不能再走。Cheng not allow, state father took family betrothal gifts, luo Daquan obtained Chen Ziming weapon, I cannot go again.

特别是在经济拮据的时候,还非要昂贵的彩礼,这样的婚姻走了味。Especially in the case of economic constraints, so high" betrothal gift"shouldn't be short of, such marriage has changed.

在本部分中,作者叙述了婚约彩礼纠纷案件中两个典型案例的案情。In this section, the author describes the merits of the two typical cases about the betrothal and betrothal gifts disputes.

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根据埃尔达精灵的法律,由订婚到正式成婚至少需要一年,而实际生活中的间隔往往更长。According to the laws of the Eldar this betrothal was bound them to stand for one year at least, and it often stood for longer.

除了聘礼之外,超过一半女性认为男性应该买房、买车、并自己支付装修费用。Besidess betrothal gifts, more than half of women think men should buy a house, car and pay for house decorations on their own.

古腾堡圣经出版。在这本圣经以及其他版本的圣经中都没有提及订婚戒指或是结婚戒指。The Gutenberg bible is published. There is no mention of betrothal or marriage rings in this or any other edition of the bible.