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每天摄入的脂肪量最好不要超过65克。The fattiness of everyday is not more than 65G.

过了一个冬天,很多人开始为身上若隐若现的赘肉犯愁了。After this summer, many people begin to worry about their fattiness.

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怎样才能有效的去除脂肪,保持健康的身体呢?How can we effectively wipe off our fattiness so that to keep a healthy shape?

想吃饼干前,把手置在自己的肚子上感触脂肪的存在。When you want to eat biscuit , put your hand on your stomach to feel the fattiness existing.

让人意想不到的关键在于,鹅肝酱上还有些黄色泡沫,这些是鹅肝中提取的油脂。But the crucial, less predictable flourish was a rhubarb foam on top of that. It cut the fattiness of the liver.

亦可减脂茶,可自然分解脂肪,调节肠胃不适排便顺畅。Oregano tea is a kind of diet herb tea, it can decompose fattiness , adjust gastrointestinal function and help defecation.

血糖、血压、血脂控制不良在DPN的发生和发展中起重要作用。The badness controls of blood glucose, blood pressure and blood fattiness are important for the occurrence and development of DPN.

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结果患病率高的主要疾病是脂肪肝、高胆固醇血症、白内障前期、高血压、高脂血症、超重。Results The main disease with higher rate are fattiness liver, hypercholesterolaemia, pre-cataract, hypertension, hyperlipemia, overweight.

其肉质具有高蛋白,低脂肪多氨基酸,富含多种人体必需的矿物质及微量元素等特点。Being with much protein, aminophenol , mineral and microelement but little fattiness , the beef is the green and healthy food seeked by the modernists.

通过对人的身高、体重、性别等值进行参考,准确测量出人体肥胖状态及人体脂肪率督促您时时保持苗条的体型。Can check out fat stature and fattiness rate of person , supervise and urge you to keep a jimpness figure by reference of your stature , avoirdupois, wex, etc.

以蛋白酶、脂肪酶分解去除杂蛋白及脂肪,经酒精沉淀并干燥后得到产品。Chondroitin sulfate was deposited by ethanol after eliminating the protein and fattiness with protease and lipase, then the product was gotten after desiccation.

我们了解您的塑身要求,制作了多功能块的织体腰带,全面针对身体各部多余脂肪。According to our understanding your requirements this multifunctional fabric belt. It can comprehensively treat the surplus fattiness of various parts in your body.

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从营养学角度分析,兔肉是一种高蛋白、低脂肪、高磷脂和低胆固醇的肉类食品。Analysis from the degree of nutriology, rabbit meat is a kind of meat foods with high content of protein and phospholipids, low content of fattiness and cholesterin.

其食用部份为绿色幼嫩花茎和花蕾,营养丰富,含蛋白质、粮、脂肪、维生素和胡萝卜素,营养成分位居同类蔬菜之首。Usually to eat the green tender scape and bud. Nutrition is the best of the same kind of vegetable, including protein, glucide, fattiness , mineral vitamin and carotene.

繁殖期肥满度、肝脏系数、脂肪系数、性腺成熟系数、性腺体积均具一定的生物学意义。The fattiness during reproductive period, coefficient of liver, coefficient of far, coefficient of mature gonad, and volume of the latter have certain biological significance.

对内脏脂肪多的中老年人进行的相同实验也表明,树莓酮有助于防止肥胖,缓解由肥胖引起的高血脂等疾病。Internally dirty fattiness in the same test that old people has also makes clear, bramble ketone conduces to prevent fat, alleviate by fat the disease such as the tall blood fat that cause.