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哦,太好了。Oh, goody.

我在一家电脑公司作事。I work for a pc compa new goody.

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你的礼品袋中会包含一件J!Your goody bag will include one of J!

古迪布朗是唯一的女性进行反击。Goody Brown is the only woman to fight back.

我是环球钻井公司的鲁卡斯。This is Lucas from the Globisexualng Drilling Compa goody.

我认为在这个明星时代,很多人都认识Goody。I think that in this celebrity age, many people relate to Goody.

这次我也豁进来了,到五星级大饭店请你们吃一顿。I'll shoot the works this time by giving you a goody in a five-star hotel.

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在伦敦,当我回到人关心的是比赛的行玉古迪说。In London when I got back people were talking about the Jade Goody race row.

你知道,抽奖券或糖果或其他一些戈得帮助“事业”筹钱?You know, raffle tickets or candy or some other goody to help "the cause" raise money?

而现在,提米和糖果脚尖儿一直用一把小挂锁把他们的坚果贮藏室闩好。And now Timmy and Goody Tiptoes keep their nut store fastened up with a little padlock.

她真是自命清高。所认识的那些男人都怕请她出去,怕跟她交朋友。She's such a goody two shoes that all the men I know are afraid to ask her out on a date.

古蒂在拍摄期间发现自己患了癌症之后离开“名人老大哥”返回英国。Goody left Bigg Boss to return to the UK after discovering during filming that she had cancer.

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你还可以组织一次‘消费者答谢活动’,在活动中派发一些装有特殊礼品的小礼包。You could also host a customer appreciation event and give out a goody bag with a special item.

在许多剧集和电影上,这种比喻的表现得更加露骨,反派总是穿着黑色,而正派总是穿着白色。And the metaphor is made flesh in many plays and films where the baddy wears black and the goody white.

结束时,梳辫子表现最佳的老爸会得到半打啤酒,所有的小姑娘则会拿着满满一袋子美发产品回家。The dad who wins gets a six-pack of beer and all the girls get goody bags of hair products to take home.

她和家人在一起时真规矩,可是出去和朋友相处,却又是另一个样子。She is a Little Goody Two Shoes when she's with her family but when she's out with friends that's another story.

美国艳星乔丹击败凯特·摩丝、系瑟·米尔斯和杰德·古蒂等有力对手,当选“年度明星妈咪”。Jordan has beaten off stiff competition from Kate Moss, Heather Mills and Jade Goody to be crowned Celebrity Mum of the Year.

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她说现在判断Goody效应能否增加整个英国子宫颈癌的筛查比例还为时过早。She said it was too early to know whether the Goody effect would lead to an increase in cervical cancer detection in England.

无论是在博客中提及,在网站上的一张图,一条感谢推,还是一个小礼物袋,你都应该向他们所付出的时间和精力致意。Whether it’s a mention on a blog, a photo on a website, a thank you tweet, or a goody bag, your contributors should be acknowledged for their time and energy.

尽管在做放疗和化疗,古蒂于2月份就知道癌细胞已经转移到其它器官,而且被告知生存的时间只有很短了。Despite undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy, Goody learned in February that cancer had spread to other organs and was warned she had only a short time to live.