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它们都具有在马尔堡病毒方面工作的经验。All have experience in working with Marburg virus.

其导致马尔堡出血热,往往是致命的。It causes Marburg haemorrhagic fever, which is often fatal.

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马尔堡市的官员们面临反对派反对率先使用太阳能。Officials in Marburg face opposition over a solar initiative.

现在马尔堡和埃博拉病毒都没有治疗方法和已证明有效的疫苗。There is no cure or approved vaccine for either Marburg or Ebola virus.

他在住院4天后死于马尔堡出血热。He died of Marburg haemorrhagic fever four days after hospital admission.

乌干达最近报告了两起马尔堡病毒感染病例。Two cases of Marburg virus infection have recently been reported in Uganda.

迄今为止,至少有2名传统治疗师已死于马尔堡出血热。To date, at least two traditional healers have died of Marburg haemorrhagic fever.

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截至4月7日,在安哥拉已报告205例马尔堡出血热。As of 7 April, 205 cases of Marburg haemorrhagic fever have been reported in Angola.

由马尔堡病毒引起的疾病突然开始,伴有严重头痛和严重不舒服。Illness caused by Marburg virus begins abruptly, with severe headache and severe malaise.

关于马尔堡病毒一旦进入人群的行为的信息贫乏。Information on the behaviour of Marburg virus once it enters a human population is sparse.

Uige一家有400张病床的医院成为了专门看护马尔堡病人的地方。An area has been set up to care for Marburg patients at the four-hundred bed hospital in Uige.

确定导致马尔堡与埃博拉病毒宿主的生态学研究正在进行中。Ecological studies are in progress to identify the natural reservoir of both Marburg and Ebola.

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截至4月2日,安哥拉卫生部已报告163例马尔堡出血热。As of 2 April, the Ministry of Health, Angola has reported 163 cases of Marburg haemorrhagic fever.

截至5月3日,安哥拉卫生部报告了308例马尔堡出血热。As of 3 May, the Ministry of Health in Angola has reported 308 cases of Marburg haemorrhagic fever.

截至4月5日,安哥拉卫生部已报告181例马尔堡出血热。As of 5 April, the Angolan Ministry of Health has reported 181 cases of Marburg haemorrhagic fever.

马尔堡病毒是以它第一次于1967年在德国爆发的城市命名的。Marburg virus is named after the German city where it was first discovered in nineteen sixty-seven.

截止5月17日,安哥拉卫生部已报告337例马尔堡出血热。As of 17 May, the Ministry of Health in Angola has reported 337 cases of Marburg haemorrhagic fever.

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马尔堡出血热是一种急性发热性疾病,伴有严重出血表现。Marburg virus disease is an acute febrile illness accompanied by severe haemorrhagic manifestations.

截至4月19日,安哥拉卫生部已报告266例马尔堡出血热。As of 19 April, the Ministry of Health in Angola has reported 266 cases of Marburg haemorrhagic fever.

截至4月20日,安哥拉卫生部已报告266例马尔堡出血热。As of 20 April, the Ministry of Health in Angola has reported 266 cases of Marburg haemorrhagic fever.