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请原谅我这个唐突的问题。Excuse me for my abrupt question.

他的粗率无礼的举止触怒了她。She was offended by his abrupt manner.

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苏格拉底的作法相对唐突。Socrates does something rather abrupt.

这条路有许多急转弯。The road is full of many abrupt turns.

这条路有几个急转弯。The road makes several abrupt turnings.

蓦地寂静,低角镜头照在门上。Abrupt silence. LOW ANGLE on steel door.

志贵明白了死亡总是出其不意来临的。Shiki muses that death is always abrupt.

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上坡时,这条路有个陡坡。The road made an abrupt rise up the hill.

朋友突然性闭经怎么办?How does abrupt sex amenorrhoea do the friend?

他的粗率无礼的举止触怒了她。His manner was abrupt to the point of rudeness.

她不敢骑着自行车冲下陡峭的斜坡。She did not dare to bike down the abrupt slope.

这条河在这里急转向西流去。Here the river takes an abrupt bend to the west.

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说话率直的,不转弯抹角的。Abrupt and often disconcertingly frank in speech.

地点的突然改变会令人迷失方向。An abrupt change of location can be disorienting.

他不期离去必然会招来很多疑问。His abrupt departure is bound to raise questions.

坐下后,他突然口吐白沫死亡。After sitting down, he is abrupt buccal foam dies.

但是我忽然这样大无畏的似乎只有我一个。But I am abrupt so undaunted be like to have me only.

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可是,他的变声期突然到来了。But, his changeable sound scheduled time abrupt arrival.

我的新闹钟宣布着新的早晨的突然到来。My new alarm clock announced the abrupt arrival of morning.

QQ忽然一下就掉线,再登就登不上去了。QQ is abrupt drop a line , remount is not ascended went up.