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是的,女裁缝喊道。Yes, cried the seamstress.

女裁缝归拢了布料。The seamstress gathered in the cloth.

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假装你是一名针线工。Let's pretend that you're a seamstress.

女裁缝给连衣裙镶上花状装饰物。The seamstress bordered the dress with flowers.

一个老裁缝敢于坐到车的前排。Seamstress refuses to go to the back of the bus.

女裁缝师剪断垂摆下来的一条线。The seamstress cut off the dangling strands of thread.

你认识什么裁缝师可以将它们弄短一点吗?Do you know a seamstress or tailor who can shorten them?

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女裁缝用褶裥饰边给女上衣镶边。The seamstress bound the hem of the dress with a ruffle.

女裁缝师小心缝著衣服的摺边。The seamstress carefully stitched the hem of the garment.

女裁缝和中提琴手有什么区别呢?What's the difference between a seamstress and a violist?

在缝纫工不在的清况下帮助修补制服。Assists in repairing uniforms in the absence of seamstress.

我要你确保那个病秧子裁缝。站在我们这边。I want you to make sure that pasty seamstress stays on our side.

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破得厉害的衣服应当找有经验的女缝工缝补。Badly torn garments should be mended by an experienced seamstress.

所有制服的缝补及改动须由酒店的缝补员工进行。All uniform alterations are to be made by the hotel seamstress only.

讲述了一个女裁缝如何变成女间谍的神奇故事。Tells the story of a seamstress amazing stories on how to become a spy.

老板,杂货店,窗口,清洁,女裁缝师已经失去了他们的资金。The grocer, the window-cleaner, and the seamstress had lost their capital.

我是一个裁缝,我喜欢做针线活,也爱跟人谈论我的工作。I'm a seamstress and I love to sew and I love to talk to people about sewing.

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母亲,以前从未在外工作,到美国后成为裁缝。Her mother, who had never worked outside the home before, became a seamstress.

萨迪克汗代表工党,他是一个公交车司机和一个裁缝的儿子。Khan, representing the Labor party, is the son of a bus driver and a seamstress.

我希望找到一个有才华的女裁缝,可以缝在一个小规模的玩具娃娃。I'm looking to find a talented seamstress that can sew in a small scale for dolls.