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清单5-30提供了一个演示。Listing 5-30 provides a demonstration.

现在,通过添加一个新的清单试试效果。Now, try it out by adding a new listing.

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这里还有一个添加新清单的链接。There's also a link to add a new listing.

北达科他州在eBay网站上挂牌拍卖There's a listing on eBay for North Dakota

我会给您一份列明所购物品的账单。I will give you a bill listing all of them.

清单5-9显示了一个类的例子。Listing 5-9 shows an example of categories.

显然,这个清单中多了很多内容。Clearly, there's a lot more to this listing.

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该配置如代码清单6.3所示。This configuration is shown in listing 6.28.

你会使用这些清单管理工具么?Would you use these listing management tools?

包含有超过130个试音歌曲清单。Contains a listing of over 130 audition songs.

用以下命令再检测一次环境变量。Double-check them by listing your environment.

请注意清单中以粗体显示的元素。Note the elements in bold in the code listing.

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今天早盘证券指数以绿盘开出。The SH index opens with a green listing today.

这种方法如下面的清单所示。This method is shown in the following listing.

项目用地“招,拍,挂”计划。Plan of IFB, Auction, Listing for project land.

在此列举出网游中的头五大忌。A 5 big fear in listing adduce net to swim here.

注意,该清单中根本没有脚本。Notice that no script is needed in this listing.

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想为您的房子上市出售吸引更多的潜在买家?。Do you want your house listing to be sold quicly?

嗨,请进我是凯瑟琳,仲介商。Hi, come on in. I'm Catherine, the listing agent.

列表6展示的是这个生成器的实现。Listing 6 shows the contents of the builder file.