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在1807年基督教新教入华之后,同样面临着中国教会自养的问题。After the Protestantism entered China in 1807, it was confronted with the same problem.

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在改革运动发起之后,波希米亚的新教受到了罗马侵略军的蹂躏。After the Reformation, Protestantism in Bohemia had been trampled out by the hordes of Rome.

在中国,天主教亦称天主堂,新教亦称礼拜堂。In China, Catholicism also calls the catholic church, the protestantism also calls the church.

1930年建成的纽约河滨教堂为美国最大的新教教堂之一。In 1930 completed New York streamside church one of for American biggest protestantism churches.

在中国,有佛教、道教、伊斯兰、天主教、基督教等多种宗教。There are many religions in China, such as Buddhism, Daoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism.

首先,根据国家的规定,天主教和清教是两种不同的教派。To start with, Catholicism and Protestantism are designated by the state as two separate religions.

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霍米亚科夫一直把理想的东正教和现实的天主教、新教进行对比。Khomyakov always compared ideal Eastern Orthodox Church with Catholicism and Protestantism in reality.

中国基督教和天主教与世界上许多国家教会建立了友好往来关系。China's Protestantism and Catholicism have maintained friendly contacts with churches in many countries.

鲍尔在图宾根的新教学校最终被证明是反超自然主义的某种极端形式。Baur's Tubingen school of Protestantism eventually turned out to be an extreme form of anti-supernaturalism.

虽然他的家乡是一个天主教徒占多数的地方,但他的父母为了躲避反犹太主义,转向了新教路德宗。Although it was a majority Catholic town, his father, Heinrich, converted to Lutheran Protestantism to escape anti-Semitism.

某些的极大的费用、大小和装饰哥特式教会是某些新教的上升的原因。The enormous cost, size and ornamentation of some of the Gothic churches were some of the reasons for the rise of protestantism.

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某些人从新教的教导中得出错误的结论,认为唯一应被评判的是人的信心。Some have erroneously concluded from the teachings of traditional Protestantism that the only requirement to be justified is faith.

大部分国父都是基督教某一分支的信徒,比如说新教或者路德教等。A large number of the Founding Fathers were associated with various sects of the Christian church, like Protestantism and Lutheranism.

接着他们又开始说,慢着,他们挺喜欢佛教的,他们认为佛教有点像新教。Then they started saying,well,okay wait a minute, they kind of liked Buddhism, they thought it kind of looked a bit like Protestantism.

其中最棘手争议保守基督教自第二次世界大战着重圣经的教义惯性。One of the most vexing controversies within conservative Protestantism since World War 2 has focused on the doctrine of biblical inerrancy.

1517年德国神学家马丁路德向天主教的“堕落”提出挑战,建立了称为新教的基督教分支。Challenging Catholic 'corruption' in 1517, German theologian Martin Luther established a breakaway branch of Christianity called Protestantism.

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虽然不太引人注目,但却不乏果敢,通过一系列在宗教仪式、教堂结构和部门上大刀阔斧的试验,新教已渐渐传播开来。Less spectacularly but not less decisively, Protestantism has been stirred by a flurry of experimentation in liturgy, church structure, ministry.

米尔顿的父亲是一个繁荣的商业,尽管事实上他一直否认他的家人时,他转为天主教新教。Milton's father was a prosperous merchant, despite the fact that he had been disowned by his family when he converted from Catholicism to Protestantism.

时代论是在1920年代开始被非加尔文主义者的公会接受,并在保守派的抗议宗内广为传播。It was in the mid-1920s that dispensationalism began to be adopted by non-Calvinists and spread throughout the broader world of Conservative Protestantism.