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实际上郊区贫困化问题正在日趋严重。It's increasingly a suburban issue.

每个农村妇女都单独地和它作斗争。Each suburban wife struggled with it alone.

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灵岩山寺座落于灵岩山顶部,位于苏州郊区的木渎镇。It is located in Mudu, a suburban town of Suzhou.

有人建议我们开一家郊区自助食堂。It was suggested that we open a suburban automat.

城市近郊的山头上,到处可以看到样子丑陋的坟墓。Hills in the suburban of city teem with ugly tombs.

我的家乡是一个白人的郊区社区。My hometown is a white suburban kind of neighborhood.

鲁美莎今年7岁,在芝加哥郊区读一年级。Rumaisa is 7 and attends first grade in suburban Chicago.

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这对年轻夫妇来自我市某郊县农村。The young couple in our city from a suburban rural areas.

这条城郊街道仅限于私人住宅。This suburban street is restricted to private residences.

到1970年代,美国已经变成一个“郊区化国家”。By 1970, the United States was already a "suburban nation."

请你想像一个来自郊区基督诞生地的活泼的少年歌手。Imagine a light-up choirboy from a suburban Nativity scene.

只不过是一套很普通的、位于郊区的、有三间的半独立式住宅。It's just a common-or-garden three-bedroomed suburban semi.

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是郊区中产阶级生活的静止的死胡同?The cul-de-sac stasis of life in the suburban middle class?

典型的郊区城市是一个完全依赖汽车的社会。Typical suburban cities are a completely car-based society.

弗林德斯街站是墨尔本市郊铁路的枢纽。Flinders Street Station, hub of Melbourne's suburban railways.

北京如何才能避免西方城市中出现的“贫民区”呢?How do we avoid the suburban ghettoes created in Western towns?

很多人向往住在郊区风格独特的个人住房。Many people aspire to live in suburban style, individual housing.

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机动化不断发展,以及城市郊区开始蔓延。Motorization was progressing, and Suburban sprawling was starting.

巴海托罗位于马尼拉以北的奎松市郊外。Pakistani Toro is located in suburban Quezon City north of Manila.

这个建筑位于郊区的一个住宅社区。M11 house is located in a residential area of HoChiMinh's suburban.