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当我怒吼的时候,请原谅我。Excuse me while I rant.

对负面的咆哮方式说抱歉。Sorry about the negative rant.

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大老鼠,大老鼠,你不要吃我的粮食!Rant, Rant. Don't eat my crops.

完全是典型的布莱恩•霍尔式演说。It's a classic Brian S Hall rant.

如果他们咆哮就让他们咆哮。If they are ranting, allow them to rant.

这就是我关于暗牧的感情化的夸夸其谈。So there goes my emo rant about shadow priests.

这一次,它是以咆哮体的形式流行的。This time, it is the form of the popular rant body.

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他所说的是夸夸其谈,不要当真。What he said was just rant . Don't take it seriously.

我给他们签字放行,保证他们行为端正。I'll sign them out and gua rant ee their good behavior.

实际上都怪我的医生,是她告诉我需要这样大喊大叫的。Blame it on my therapist—she told me I need to rant more.

但是在中国,没有呐喊、咆哮和责骂的自由。But in China there is no freedom to shout, rave and rant.

对人世间不公平的事靠骂大街是没有用的。It is useless to rant and rave at the injustices in the world.

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老人怒气冲冲地叫嚷说没人听他的意见。The old man rant that nobody pay any attention to his opinion.

我并非要大声责难商业反恶意软件公司。But I don't just want to rant at commercial anti-malware companies.

员工显然不吃这一套,有部分员工已然在抵抗地点进行激昂演说。Not with the workers, some of who have formed a protest site to rant.

有点艰难讲出来,由于假如自己讲啦,自己要开端评级啦。It's kind of a hard topic to speak about, because if I do, I'll start to rant.

卡佩罗,对裁判大发雷霆,伴随着在比赛结束时四分钟的怒吼。Capello, let fly at the referee with a four-minute rant at the end of the game.

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让我难以相信的是,这就让我对他的咒骂在谷歌排名里仅次于他的一篇文章。Strangely, this puts the Google rank of my rant above all but one of his articles’.

听过他咆哮事易办的己都晓得他的火爆脾气。His bilious temperament was apparent to all who heard him rant about his difficulties.

有时候父母的第一反应是大发牢骚,尤其是听到不好的消息时。Sometimes a parent’s first reaction is to rant and scream, especially to negative news.