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我需要女按摩师。I need a masseuse.

您需要女按摩师还是男按摩师?。Do you need a masseuse or masseur?

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女按摩师行程的第一段是乘火车的。And it's against my oath as a masseuse.

她在那家浴场中心做按摩技师。She works as a masseuse at the bathing center.

市民将不再可以分配其他市民成为女按摩师。Sims can no longer assign others to be a masseuse.

女按摩师给男按摩师做按摩医治他的背疼。The masseuse massaged for the masseur's back pain.

我定期去见营养学家,美容师和按摩师。I went regularly to a nutritionist, a barber, and a masseuse.

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男按摩师和女按摩师在人群中挤出一条通路。The masseur and the masseuse forced a passage through the crowd.

男按摩师和女按摩师将在舞台上演一个新戏。The masseur and the masseuse will stage a new play on the stage.

杀害女按摩师案中菲利普马克弗已做了无罪辩护。Philip Markoff has pleaded not guilty in the slaying of the masseuse.

男按摩师劝女按摩师不要选择戏剧表演作职业。The masseur advised the masseuse not to choose the stage as a career.

那个男按摩师和女按摩师在很年轻的时候就把老人照顾得很好。The masseur and the masseuse took good care of the aged at an early age.

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为了去看在纽约的女按摩师,那个男按摩师订购了机票。The masseuse booked his passage to New York in order to see the masseuse.

男按摩师和女按摩师决定在舞台上举行总罢工。The masseur and the masseuse decided to stage a general strike on the stage.

走廊已经成为男按摩师和女按摩师约会的地方了。The passage has become the stage of dating for the masseur and the masseuse.

还有什么我能做的吗?我是一名女按摩师,我也许能减轻你的疼痛。Is there anything I can do?I'm a masseuse so I might be able to ease the pain.

马尔科夫被指控谋杀,对象为可能是他通过克雷格列表认识的女按摩师。Markoff is accused of killing a masseuse whom he may have met through Craigslist.

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饭店派了一位女按摩师到我房间,我享受了两个小时舒服的按摩。The hotel sent a masseuse up to the room, and for two hours, I had a great massage.

去访问下你的牙医,女按摩师或者是脊椎指压按摩师,千万别落下了什么。From visiting the dentist to the masseuse or the chiropractor, why leave anything out?

后勤塞手掌在泰国瑜伽按摩按摩师应保持在祈祷的双手的位置。For back palming in Thai yoga massage the masseuse should keep hands in prayer position.