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啊,花一样的面容里藏着蛇一样的心!O serpent heart, hid with a flowering face!

总有一天会开出属于我的花朵。Oneday some flowers will be flowering for me.

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花田怎么了?还有再开花的一天嘛?What about flowering fields, is there a time?

金秋时节,不少旱生植物正值花期。Fall season, a time when many flowering plants dry.

短枝是银杏开花结实的部位。Ginkgo biloba is a strong spur the flowering parts.

那个美丽的花园的边沿栽种着树木,树上繁花盛开。The beautiful garden was edged with flowering trees.

花芽分化是植物成花的基础。Floral bud differentiation is the basis of flowering.

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花芽分化是植物成花的基础。Flower bud differentiation is the basis of flowering.

我是一朵不开花的花,尚未学会绽放,就已习于凋零。I am a flowering , not flower bloom has yet to learn.

它说它要用一个花开的季节温暖眼瞳。It says it will use a flowering season warm eye pupil.

可是,光周期反应不只限于开花。Photoperiodic response is not restricted to flowering.

这朵花是没有目的的——它是没有用途的。And this flowering is purposeless -- it has no utility.

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何意同根本,开花每后时。He intended to do with the flowering time of each post.

开花结果期宜少灌水施肥。Flowering period should be few irrigation fertilization.

海草是一种生长在浅水中的开花植物。Seagrasses are flowering plants found in shallow waters.

雕像在繁花满树的背景下矗立着。The statue stood against a background of flowering trees.

没有什么能比花团锦簇的樱花树更富有诗意了。There is nothing more poetic than a flowering cherry tree.

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一路颠簸,只为了梦想发芽开花。Bumps along the way, only to dream of flowering germination.

花芽分化是植物成花的基础。Flower bud differentiation is the basis of flowering plants.

花茎和叶柄开展长柔毛和短柔毛。Flowering stems and petioles spreading villous and pubescent.