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柏柏尔小地毯可以当色彩艳丽的壁毯。A Berber rug makes a colourful wall-hanging.

一个撒哈拉沙漠游牧的柏柏尔民族成员。A member of a Berber people of northeast Algeria.

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一个撒哈拉沙漠游牧的柏柏尔民族成员。A member of a nomadic Berber people of the Sahara.

以阿拉伯人为主,其次是柏柏尔人等。To Arabs dominated, followed by the Berber people, and so on.

也有新的柏柏尔地毯,其余的楼层是一个丰富的绿色大理石。There is also new berber carpet and the rest of the floors are a rich green marble.

摩洛哥阿特拉斯山高地的柏柏尔村落里,一排排五颜六色的衣物晾晒在绳子上。Colorful laundry dries on lines in a Berber village in Morocco's High Atlas Mountains.

这是阿特拉斯山区一位柏柏尔族的新嫁娘,梳妆一新的她即将参加隆重的婚前庆典。A young Berber bride is adorned for pre-wedding festivities in the High Atlas mountains.

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接著来到摩洛哥,看看柏柏尔人如何遵循百年古法来制作贝尔迪牛油。Then in Morocco, learn how the Berber people follow a centuries-old method for making Beldi butter.

随着世纪的摩尔人,柏柏尔文化,今天有一个很有趣的摩洛哥新老搭配。Along with centuries of Moorish and Berber culture, Morocco today has a very interesting mix of old and new.

主要摩洛哥菜大多数人都熟悉的是库斯库斯的老美味可能的柏柏尔血统。The main Moroccan dish most people are familiar with is couscous, an old delicacy probably of Berber origin.

Berber还说道,在试驾期间,她还是选择奔驰内燃机汽车作为和她丈夫周末外出的代步工具。Berber says that, with her husband Asa, she continued to use her Mercedes diesel for weekend trips during the trial.

居住在北非的柏柏尔人带来山羊后,更为秃鹫提供了大量的食物来源。The Berber people of northern Africa brought with them goats, which then became an abundant food source for the vultures.

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反对派也占领了位于的黎波里以南50英里的城镇盖尔扬,这个城镇主要居住的是柏柏尔人。而的黎波里正位于通往阿尔及利亚的公路边,是卡扎菲军队武装的主要来源地。The rebels also seized Gharyan, a mainly Berber town 50 miles south of Tripoli that sits on the road to Algeria, a big source of arms for Colonel Qaddafi's militias.