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泰莎——这是我的妻子,贝拉。Tessa. This is Bella, my wife.

苔萨是一个有趣的英国女孩。Tessa is an interesting British girl.

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爱你的泰萨。我把车开来。又及。Love from Tessa. PS I'll bring the car.

您好,我的名字是泰莎和我住在卡拉奇。Hello, My name is Tessa and I live in Karachi.

苔萨去购物的次数要比去钓鱼的多。Tessa goes shopping more than she goes fishing.

泰莎告诉他她对他的爱是忠诚的。D. Tessa told him that her love for him was true.

苔萨是一位好歌手,但是她的泳技很差。Tessa is a very good singer, but a very poor swimmer.

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可医生却说她患了肾结石。Instead, they were told that Tessa had a kidney stone.

特萨和比尔正在魁北克市冬季狂欢节的现场。Tessa and Bill are at the Winter Carnival in Quebec City.

同时,她父亲的友谊泰莎对象。Meanwhile, Tessa objects to her dads friendship with Dalia.

负责赌博业的部长泰萨·乔威尔说,赌博业不同于其它行业,应该特别对待。Tessa Jowell, the minister in charge of gambling, said gambling should not be treated like any other industry.

伦敦奥运事务负责官员特萨·乔维尔表示,组织者准备把伦敦不同地区都纳入到仪式中去,营造全民同庆的氛围。Organizers plan to get different parts of London taking part in the ceremony, with "citizens feeling they're intimately involved, " Tessa Jowell, Minister for the Olympics revealed.

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目前已知道至少有包括女影星西恩娜·米勒和主管媒体事务的英国内阁办公厅前国务大臣特莎·乔韦尔在内的8位公众人物的电话被窃听。Now know of at least including actress and director Sean Na Mile Media Services before the British Cabinet Office Minister of State Tessa Jowell public figures, including 8 phone is tapped.