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于是他昏倒了。And he fell fainting.

头晕,头昏眼花乃至昏厥dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting

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其次,他拿来了昏晕的妻子对椅子。Next, he fetched the fainting wife to a chair.

象水蛭叮咬羸弱的英伦。But leech-like to their fainting country cling.

伴有呕吐和昏晕。Fainting and vomiting accompanies heat exhaustion.

这时冉阿让象是个要昏倒的人。Jean Valjean was like a man on the point of fainting.

他演这一角色演得好像欲望令他变成如痴如狂一般。He acted this part as though he had been fainting with desire.

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QT间期延长综合症会加速心跳,导致昏厥。Long QT syndrome speeds up heartbeats, and can cause fainting.

例如,见到血或外科手术器械会晕眩。Take fainting in response to seeingblood or surgical instruments.

这位可怜的老翁快晕倒了,让他坐下来吃些东西。This poor old man is fainting with hunger,let him sit down and eat.

可是我的血压开始降低,并时时感到眩晕、瘫软无力。But I have low blood pressure and I kept feeling dizzy and fainting.

这是经常发生的事,她头好像转个不停似的,有时她头昏目眩。Often her head seemed to turn round and round and sometimes she fell fainting.

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在我的研究小组中,濒死体验的最常见原因是晕倒。The most common cause of near-death experience in my research group is fainting.

看完那一段,我不禁幻想出我回到维多利亚那个在问到盐的味道而晕厥在沙发上的时代。I had to retire to my Victorian fainting couch with smelling salts after that one.

来,艾美,试演一下晕厥那一场,你演这幕时生硬得像根拨火棍。Come here, Amy, and do the fainting scene, for you are as stiff as a poker in that.

残杀者几乎在这一个风景是昏晕,总线的其他旅客也是。The butcher is nearly fainting at this sight, so are the other passengers in the bus.

在那次旅行之前,我只是听说过人们会在听故事的时候晕倒。Until that tour, I'd only heard rumors about people fainting from stories they heard.

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在极端的热浪中,易受影响的人有晕倒,甚至渐渐昏迷的危险。In extreme heat, vulnerable people are at risk of fainting or even slipping into a coma.

朔和亚纪在机场正要登机时亚纪忽然晕倒。New moon and the discipline in the airport was about to board and jamie suddenly fainting.

心脏如果跳动过缓就可能会出现头晕、身体疲乏、晕厥等症状。Lightheadedness, weakness, and fainting are symptoms that a heart may be beating too slowly.