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你所看到的这条街是萨尔瓦多·达利设计的The Streets As Seen by Salvador Dali

请你介绍一下中国跟萨尔瓦多的关系?Could you outline China's ties with Salvador?

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艺术家萨尔瓦多·达利是超现实主义的同义词。The artist Salvador Dali is synonymous with surrealism.

艺术家萨多瓦尔·利是超现实主义的同义词。The artist Salvador Dali is the synonymous with surrealism.

萨尔瓦多的一次中强震造成很大损失。A moderate earthquake occurred in El Salvador causing great losses.

我国中东血统的启发,我的风格是萨尔瓦多达利的。Inspired by my Middle Eastern ancestry, I styled it on Salvador Dalí's.

佩洛尼奥位于巴伊亚州萨尔瓦多市,是该地的历史名胜中心。Pelourinho is the historic center of the city of Salvador in Bahia state.

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最终,萨尔瓦多·阿格隆在监狱里服了20年刑,并在1979年出狱。Salvador Agron ended up serving 20 years in prison and was released in 1979.

句美兹,外交部边境司司长,萨尔瓦多。Agustin Vasquez GOMEZ, Ministry of Foreign Relations, Republic of El Salvador.

“政府使我们感到窒息。”该地区的金融大亨,萨尔瓦多马林抱怨道。"The government asphyxiates us, " moaned Salvador Marin, the region's finance boss.

雷奈说,他最大的遗憾就是没有联系上身处萨尔瓦多的女儿。René said his biggest regret was not beingin touch with his daughter in El Salvador.

在圣地亚哥海滩一只幼小的橄蠵龟走向水里,萨尔瓦多。A baby Olive Ridley Turtle makes its way to the water at San Diego Beach, El Salvador.

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萨尔瓦多·阿连德死亡的情况一直存在诸多争议。The circumstances surrounding Salvador Allende's death have always been hotly debated.

它的范围遍及中美洲,从萨尔瓦多到北部墨西哥的半干旱地区。Its territory covers Mesoamerica, from El Salvador to the semi-arid regions of Northen Mexico.

当萨尔瓦多·达利1904年在西班牙菲格拉斯出世时,他实际上已是第三个萨尔瓦多·达利了。When Salvador Dalíwas born in 1904 in Figueras, Spain, he was actually the third Salvador Dalí.

一名男子坐在由1在奥维多的圣萨尔瓦多阿尔塞恩茨纪念日二零零九年一十一月一号墓地墓碑。A man sits by a tombstone at Oviedo's San Salvador cemetery on All Saints' Day November 1, 2009.

在这次斗殴中,年仅16岁的萨尔瓦多·阿格隆杀死了两个无辜的少年然后逃逸。During the rumble, 16-year-old Salvador Agron stabbed to death two of these bystanders and fled.

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爱尔兰、哥斯达黎加和萨尔瓦多目前都报导了经实验室确诊的病例。Ireland, Costa Rica and El Salvador are now among the nations reporting laboratory-confirmed cases.

不久,他又结识了海明威、格特鲁德•斯坦、巴勃罗•毕加索和萨尔瓦多•达利。It's not long before he's hanging with Hemingway, Gertrude Stein, Pablo Picasso, and Salvador Dali.

这些来自里约和萨尔瓦多的年轻人更了解音乐和舞蹈的巨大力量。These youngsters from Rio and Salvador know more than most the tremendous power of music and dance.