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第二章讨论三种完整体。Chapter 2 discusses three types of the perfective aspect.

该系列产品结构新颖,性能齐全。This series of product has a novel structure and perfective performance.

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而且我认为婚姻也是对爱情最透彻最完美的体现。And I think that marriage is the completely perfective embodiment of love.

完成体和未完成体之间的对立见于许多斯拉夫语。The aspectual contrast between perfective and imperfective is found in many Slavic languages.

反垄断法的有效实施依赖于完善可行的反垄断法执行体制的构建。The effective enforcement of anti-monopoly law depends on building perfective and practicable enforcement.

从认知意义上讲,传统的动态动词和静态动词也可分析为完成动词和非完成动词。Based on this definition, traditional active verb and stative verb can be classified as perfective and imperfective.

过去完成体的“已完成”用法表示一个动作或状态在过去某时之前已经完成或结束。如。In the "finished" use , the past perfective denotes an action or state already in completion before a specific past.

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在国际社会中,作为侵权行为法一部分的产品责任理论也一直在推陈出新,立法体系也渐趋完善。In the global society, as one part of the tort, the product liability law theories renovate all the time, and the system of legislation is perfective.

西门子数字式直流调速装置具有参数设置简便、功能完善等特点。SIEMENS fully digital DC speed governing device has the characteristics consisted of single and expedient parameter installing and perfective functions.

它主要用作完成体标记,位于动词或形容词后,表示动作行为、状态的完成或实现。It is mainly marked with perfective aspect and placed after verb or adjective to express the completion or realization of behavior , condition of action.

专家提醒,卫生部审定认可的食品保健22种功能中,并没有“改善性功能”这一项。The expert reminds, ministry of Public Health is authorized admissive food health care in 22 kinds of functions, do not have " perfective function " this one.

尔苏语动词的趋向前缀、已行体前缀和命令式前缀或同形,分属空间范畴、时体范畴和语气范畴。In Ersu language, perfective prefixes and imperative prefixes have the same forms of some directive prefixes in verbs, in aspect, mood and space categories separately.

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用于完成体的情景具有不同的结构,完成体会表现出不同的量化特征。The situations used in English perfective have different structures, which is one of the reasons that the characteristics of quantization of sentences in perfective are different.

早期及时的检查治疗、娴熟的手术操作和术中、术后并发症的正确处理,可有效降低白内障术后低视力的发生率。Early examination and treatment in time, perfective surgical skills and correct treatment of complication after surgery can effectively prevent low vision after this cataract surgery.

第四章借助建立的可持续发展系统,应用各种评价方法从不同空间尺度、不同时间跨度综合衡量长三角的可持续发展状况。The fourth chapter utilizes the perfective SD system and many ways of appraising to estimate the actual SD situation of the Yangtze River Delta from different spatial and time scales.

但是,由于现在完成进行体还带有进行体的持续性、暂时性和未完成性的含义,有时就不可以与现在完成体互换使用。比较。T here are cases, however, where these two forms are not interchangeable in that the present perfective progressive has also the meanings of continuousness, temporariness and incompleteness.