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我是康沃尔人,我为自己的祖先感到自豪。I'm Cornish and proud of my roots.

科尼什船长再次下达了停航的命令。Captain Cornish repeated his order to heave to.

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有一次,他给我看了一个康沃尔市集上的节目介绍。Once, he showed me a program for the Cornish Fair.

住在科尼什的他不只是在远处,而且是在高处。He was not just away in Cornish , he was also above.

他的大小就像一科尼什游戏母鸡,因为他的叔叔把它。He was the size of a Cornish game hen, as his uncle put it.

在康沃尔,工党获得支持率只排在了第六位,落后于康瓦尔民族党。In Cornwall, the party came sixth behind the Cornish Nationalist party.

那时,他唱起年青时的康沃尔歌曲以让手下人保持平静。Back then, he had calmed his men by singing Cornish songs from his youth.

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不少人认为这种馅饼是近几个世纪来矿工人的粮食。Many people think that cornish pasties is miners special food for centuries.

从前在康沃尔有个大个子,他的身高要长过自己的床。My body fits on it, but barely upon it, there's no room for my big Cornish head.

英格兰西南的康瓦尔语、苏格兰盖尔语的一些方言,就是这样渐渐灭绝。This is how Cornish and some dialects of Scottish Gaelic slipped into extinction.

玻利维亚早餐——Saltenas有点像康瓦尔郡菜肉馅饼。Breakfast in Bolivia—saltenas are a bit like empanadas crossed with Cornish pasties.

玻利维亚早餐---Saltenas有点像康瓦尔郡菜肉馅饼。Breakfast in Bolivia – saltenas are a bit like empanadas crossed with Cornish pasties.

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然后又很突然地,几个月后,女孩与他离了婚,回到康沃尔。Just as abruptly, she ended the marriage after several months and returned to Cornish.

战车上的士兵会抵抗狼,把康沃尔人变成野猪。A soldier in a chariot will resist the Wolf and transform the Cornish people into a Boar.

配羊肉,烧烤,康沃尔母鸡,牛排,炖肉,奶酪。Serve with lamb, roasted or grilled squab, Cornish hens, steak, stews, and strong cheeses.

圣艾夫斯的科尼什鱼满港港口,这在艺术家中相当流行,排名第四。The harbour of the Cornish fishing port of St Ives, which is popular with artists, was fourth.

2011年1月20号,在英格兰珀尔泽斯,冲浪者冒着严寒在尽情享受科纳什冬季海浪。A surfer braves the cold to take advantage of the Cornish winter waves on January 20, 2011 in Polzeath, England.

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小贴士橄榄油加入时的母鸡与黑莓酱食谱在此免费视频游戏科尼什母鸡。Tips on adding olive oil to the hen when making Cornish game hen with blackberry sauce in this free recipe video.

对国产葱切碎黑莓酱提示陪在这个自由烹饪视频游戏科尼什母鸡。Tips on chopping shallots for homemade blackberry sauce to accompany Cornish game hen in this free cooking video.

原本载有几乎任何的康沃尔膏剂现在包含根切碎丰富的蔬菜和碎牛肉。Originally containing almost anything the Cornish Pasty now contains seasoned chopped root vegetables and minced beef.