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我住的地方离这里三个街区,在克罗顿街。I live three blocks away, on Croton Street.

埃文·马海尼。我住的地方离这里三个街区,在克罗顿街。Evan Mahoney. I live three blocks away, on Croton Street.

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叶子精油使用在老鼠上的止痛效用。Antinociceptive effect of leaf essential oil from Croton sonderianus in mice.

许慧珊带人对陆世强家人进行搜查时发现家中的巴豆和现金。Xu Huishan take people to search the Liu Shijiang family found the croton and cash in the home.

一则2002年的报告在流向克罗顿河分水岭的溪流中发现了三十七种杀虫剂的踪迹。A 2002 report found traces of thirty-seven pesticides in streams feeding into the Croton River Watershed.

目的研究巴豆提取物对人肠上皮细胞生物学特性的影响。AIM To investigate the effect of croton extract on biological characterization of human intestinal epithelial cells in vitro.

如果这种油滴到皮肤,立马就会起泡并伴有疼痛感,这种感觉会持续三周。If allowed to come into contact with the skin, croton oil causes blistering and painful skin irritation which can last up to three weeks.

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结论特种功能精细陶瓷具有抑制巴豆油形成的鼠耳肿胀和改善“血瘀证”兔血液流变性的作用。Conclusion The results showed that FFC had the functions of reducing swelling with croton oil and improving rabbits' blood stasis rheology.

本研究运用硅胶柱层析分离技术和细胞药理实验模型对广西特色资源植物川黄柏和巴豆进行抗癌活性成分的筛选。The results of the anticancer active constituents from P. chinense schneid and Croton tiglium L. which growing in Guangxi. have been reported.

如果误食巴豆油,它会造成口腔和胃部的灼烧痛感、腹泻带血、上吐下泻、心跳加快、昏迷甚至致死。When taken internally, croton oil produces burning pain in the mouth and stomach, bloody diarrhea, violent purging, tachycardia, coma, and death.

方法用醋酸造成小鼠腹腔毛细血管通透性的增加和用巴豆油造成小鼠耳壳肿胀模型。METHOD Acetic acid was used to increase the permeability of mice abdomen capillaries and croton oil was used to make mice external ear swelling model.

能减轻二甲苯所致小鼠耳廓肿胀度,明显减少巴豆油所致大鼠肉芽肿炎性渗出液。ZYFF can inhibit auricular swelling caused by xylene in mice and remarkably reduce the phlogistic exudation of granuloma induced by croton oil in rats.

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以小鼠由巴豆油所致的耳肿进行抗炎作用比较,结果显示,各制品均具抗炎作用。The study on antiinflammation action on err enlargement of rat induced by croton oil indicated that several prepared products possesse antiinflammation action.

部分受试化合物在巴豆油诱发小鼠足趾肿胀模型中表现出一定的抗炎活性。The results of the pharmacological tests showed some of the investigated compounds had significant anti inflammatory activity on croton oil induced ear edema of mice.

综述近年来巴豆属植物化学成分及其活性成分和药理作用。提出在化学成分、构效关系、药理等方面均需要进一步开展深入研究的建议。The study on chemical constituents and pharmacological action of Croton L. was reviewed in this paper. The aim was to provide information for the further study of Croton L.

对慢性炎症的抑制作用以巴豆油诱导的大鼠肉芽肿和福氏完全佐剂诱导的多发性关节炎进行分析。The suppression to the granuloma induced by croton oil and paw edema of adjuvant-induced polyarthritis in rats were utilized to verify the inhibition to the chronic inflammation.

合成这两种物质的原料是巴豆油,利用种植在亚洲的巴豆种子提取植物油,整个合成过程只需要五步。Synthesis of the raw materials of these two substances is croton oil, the use of cultivation in Asia crotonaldehyde seed extract vegetable oil, the whole process of only five steps.

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通过巴豆油致小鼠耳廓炎性肿胀和醋酸致小鼠腹腔通透性增加,考察盐藻多糖的体内抗炎作用。The anti-inflammatory activity of PDS was determined in mice with auricle swelling induced by croton oil and the increased permeability of abdominal capillary induced by acetic acid.

采用二甲苯及巴豆油制作小鼠耳廓肿胀模型,观察马齿苋水提取物对小鼠耳廓肿胀度的影响。METHODS The models of the mice's external ears' swell induced by xylene and croton oil, and the water extract of Portulaca oleracea L the spring beauty'swater with drawing material to it.