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他们向汉口方面退去。They retired in the direction of Hankow.

他已从南昌被调至汉口。He has been transferred from Nanchang to Hankow.

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汉口是明朝中后期开始兴起的一个新兴的商业城镇。Hankow was a new commercial town in mid-late Ming dynasty.

开埠之前,汉口已是一个繁华的商业市镇。Before opening the port, HanKow was already a prosperous town.

严格的说汉口和南京正在大平原的南方。Strictly speaking Hankow and Nanking lie just south of the Great Plain.

爸爸说服一条“扁舟”的船老大带他们顺汉江去汉口。Dad persuaded the captain of a pien-tzu to take them down the Han River to Hankow.

开埠以来,外侨与国人在汉口的五国租界里创办了近百种报刊。Foreigners and Chinese people established various kinds of newspaper in the five countries' settlements in Hankow.

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明清时期武汉随着汉口镇的崛起成为区域性的商业、经济中心。In Ming and Qing dynasties, Wuhan became the regional center of business and economy with the rise of Hankow town.

晚清汉口茶叶市场虽然受到印度茶不同程度的挑战而时有剧烈波动,但整体贸易状况仍属繁盛。Although there was often violent wave, Hankow market of tea had been keeping a good tendency on whole trade condition.

汉口、汉阳居长江之西,当中又被汉水分割为一南一北,而武昌居长江之东,三镇成鼎足之势。Hankow and Hanyang home in west of the Yangtze River and Wuchang in the east, three districts are in a tripartite balance.

国民党的右翼,在新军阀的控制之下,跟汉口政府宣告决裂。The right wing of the kuomintang, dominated by the new militarism, broke away from the left kuomintang government at hankow.

白崇禧设法混到汉口担任华中剿匪总司令的要职。Pai maneuvered himself into a strategic position in Central China and became commander of the government's defense at Hankow.

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许多农民运动的方法和原因,与汉口和长沙的绅士阶级说的相反。Many of the hows and whys of the peasant movement were the exact opposite of what the gentry in Hankow and Changsha are saying.

汉口一家大中介公司捐资,破烂不堪的碑亭于1917年得到修葺。The pavilion, formerly in a very dilapidated condition, was renovated in 1917 at the expense of the compradore of a large Hankow firm.

汉口商业发展既具有上述普遍性,又因其独特的历史环境和人文风俗而有其特殊性。The same thing happened in Hankow. At the same time, it had its particularity due to the historical environment and humanistic customs.

今天下午,有两条花旗炮舰,三条东洋鱼雷艇,奉到紧急命令,开汉口去,不知道为什么。This afternoon two American gun-boats and three Japanese torpedo-boats left for Hankow under urgent orders, though I don't know what for.

一片别墅在这面广阔的斜面上展开,它们是李德立们最为得意的一片别墅区。A villa in the face of a broad talus , which is most satisfactory piece Lideli have villas. 1921, the organization had in Hankow Lideli U.

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两名男子在汉口道袭击一名四十九岁女子,她当时正前往一间银行,但立即被在场埋伏的探员拘捕。Two men attacked a 49-year-old woman on Hankow Road while she was on the way to a bank. The ambushing officers at the scene arrested the two men.

在沙洋码头二天后,爸爸和二个外国人一起开始寻找电报局并向汉口的英国领事发报。After two days in the Shayang dock, Dad set out with two other foreigners to find the telegraph office and send word to the British consulate in Hankow.

汉口解放大道一家中介公司的老板告诉记者,他准备歇业一段时间,观看一番市场变化再说。Hankow a liberation Avenue intermediary company boss told reporters that he was prepared to go out of business for some time, watching some changes in the market again.