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“择善固执”,善不善自有一番道理!"Being stubborn " , his own mismanagement good reason!

主管者的管理不当加速了公司的倒闭。The director's mismanagement has accelerated the company's failure.

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一些幸存者对马英九悲愤叫喊,指责他管理不当,拖延救灾工作。Some survivors shouted at him, accusing him of mismanagement and coming too late.

咸海管理不善被认为世界最严重的环境灾难之一。Its mismanagement is regarded as one of the world's worst environmental disasters.

塔班陶勒盖煤田就是个很好的例子,说明竞选承诺可能导致管理不当。Tavan Tolgoi is a good example of how election promises can lead to mismanagement.

上述机制也将有助于阻止效率低下、管理混乱和腐败。These mechanisms will also help prevent inefficiency, mismanagement and corruption.

任何其一都可铸造成总统判断管理失误的史诗。Each of these constitutes a separate epic in presidential misjudgment and mismanagement.

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此次危机的出现,源自美国经济管理不善,而非源于墨西哥国内。This time the problem stems from economic mismanagement in the United States, not at home.

耐药性不断增强主要是数十年来对抗生素管理不善的后果。Growing drug resistance is largely the consequence of decades of mismanagement of antibiotics.

就在欧洲妄自菲薄数周以前,欧元区刚刚出现了新一轮的危机管理欠妥问题。Europe's self-abasement comes just weeks after the last round of Eurozone crisis mismanagement.

管理不当或者激进战略已经导致诸如德隆这样的企业破产。Mismanagement and radical strategies have already led companies such as DeLong into bankruptcy.

中国官方媒体纷纷对华盛顿提出尖锐批评,指责美国管理金融不力。Official Chinese media have poured vitriol at Washington, accusing it of financial mismanagement.

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管理不善的一个重要原因是只授予职权而不给明确责任。A significant cause of mismanagement is the granting of authority without exacting responsibility.

其他人承认纽芬兰曾经有过一段金融管理失误和效率低下、主次不分的历史。Others admit that Newfoundland has a history of financial mismanagement and spectacular boondoggles.

而有些却是因为设备落后、管理不善等原因而逐步退居二线的。Some equipment is as backward, mismanagement and other reasons and gradually retiring to the second line.

有人指控称该部门一些职员管理不当,行为不检。There have been accusations about mismanagement and inappropriate behavior from some members of the agency.

对于这些常因管理不当而使投资者顾虑重重不愿介入的国家而言,主权财富基金的提议颇具吸引力.It's an attractive proposition for countries where investors are often deterred by concerns about mismanagement.

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恰恰相反,古代作家们认为,任何各种各样的放荡性行为是对一个人品性管理不善的结果。Instead, ancient writers believed any wanton sexual behavior of any variety is a mismanagement of one's appetites.

波兰的极右翼党在2005年蓬勃发展,这是因为即将没落的社会主义领导的政府的管理不善和腐败。Poland’s far right was boosted in 2005 by the mismanagement and corruption of the outgoing Socialist-led government.

尽管金融危机推动了这一结果,但通用长期存在管理不善和与工会的纠缠的问题。Although the recession helped push it under, the company had a long history of mismanagement and union intransigence.