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不可奸淫。You shall not commit adultery.

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我们必须作出承诺去拯救海洋。We have to commit to saving them.

她怂恿他去杀人。She drove him on to commit murder.

由于诱惑所犯的通奸罪。The temptation to commit adultery.

一个好人也可以犯下恶行吗?Can a good person commit evil acts?

但是我们不交托,神就不成全。But He never worketh till we commit.

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雷霆的一击总不应搞错目标吧。A thunderbolt should commit no error.

我把这本坏书付之一炬。I commit this evil book to the flames.

一个人不能犯了罪不受惩罚。One cannot commit crimes with impunity.

然后根据讨论的结果坚持做下去。Then commit to doing what you discussed.

我把委任状送到委员会去了。I commit the commission to the committee.

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司法官须将他交付监狱。The magistrate must commit him to prison.

究竟未遂犯在哪些犯罪中有存在的余地?When a crime could commit attempted offense?

我将把它托给一个朋友妥善保管。I will commit it to a friend for safekeeping.

他们竭力说服她出庭作伪证。They tried to persuade her to commit perjury.

老实讲,我有时间去做那件事吗?Do I honestly have the time to commit to this?

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汤姆曾几次试图自杀。Tom had tried to commit suicide several times.

胡闹!这件事情就别再说了!Commit tomfoolery! This affair stops mentioning!

你真的想赴美学习并拿到4年的学位吗?Do you really want to commit to a 4-year degree?