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我们在礼堂集合。We assembled in the auditorium.

包括全面装饰的家用轿车!Includes fully assembled family car!

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装配低嘈音及长寿排风扇。Assembled low noise and long life fan.

单端服务组装室。Single-end service assembled chambers.

工人们聚集在大厅里。The workers were assembled in the hall.

所有的人都聚集在玛丽的屋子里。All the people assembled at Marys house.

学生在学校礼堂集合。The pupils assembled in the school hall.

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列架可采用通用件现场组装,外形美观。Splicing row can be assembled on the spot.

宫墙里聚集着英豪万千And of all who assembled within those walls

士兵都绑着绑腿。The solider are all assembled with gaiters.

快乐是你得家人齐聚在饭桌旁。Happiness is you family assembled at dinner.

他为女儿搭建了一所玩具屋。He assembled the dollhouse for his daughter.

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在那天空聚集,凝合。High in the sky, they assembled , assembled.

二营为二梯队集结山脚待命。Two battalions assembled foot two-tier stand.

全市人民在广场上隆重集会。The whole city solemnly assembled on the square.

阿瑟瑞医生召集了一个当地的专家小组。Dr. Aseri assembled a group of local specialists.

这就是可以组成的最佳阵容吗?Is this the best offensive lineup ever assembled?

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教务长把学生集合在礼堂里。The dean assembled the students in the auditorium.

他们调集了巨大的兵力来对付这场进攻。They assembled a tremendous force to face the attack.

部队每次集合时队长都清点人数。Each time the troop assembled the leader counted noses.