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它也是药酒的调味品。It is also flavoring Cointreau liqueur.

但你不要全把责任推到“焦糖”上。But don’t blame the caramel flavoring entirely.

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调味粉由不同的香料组成。Flavoring powders are made of different spices.

不添加防腐剂、色素和香精香料。No preservative, flavoring or coloring is added.

此外,你还可以在点心中加入点天然的香草调味料。Mix in natural vanilla flavoring for a soothing snack.

白酒勾调包括组合、尝评和调味。Liquor blending covers blending, tasting and flavoring.

这种饮料不掺人造香精或着色剂。This drink contains no artificial flavoring or coloring.

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香草豆在酒精中浸软后精制而成的一种调味品。A flavoring prepared from vanilla beans macerated in alcohol.

焦糖可以用来调味或上色,也可以用来涂抹在模具上。It is used as a flavoring or coloring, or for coating a mold.

本企业常年提供优质基酒,调味酒。This year enterprises to provide quality-wine, liquor flavoring.

焙烤的苦瓜粉不适于苦瓜酒的调味。Baked Momordica charantia powder was not good for liquor flavoring.

我谩骂你一辈子买便利面没有调料包。i curse your buying instant noodles without getting flavoring bags.

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这些油可用作增加利口酒的风味,也可用于香水和肥皂中。The oils are used for flavoring liqueurs , and in perfumes and soaps.

琉璃苣并且用作为香料在酸奶、奶油、和香醋里。Borage is also used as a flavoring in yogurt, cream , and vinaigrettes.

如果把叶子浸泡2-3个周,是食醋很好的调味料。Makes good flavoring for vinegar when leaves are steeped for 2 or 3 weeks.

梅尔糖一种光滑宜多咀嚼的糖块,用砂糖、黄油、奶油或牛奶,以及调味香料制成。A smooth, chewy candy made with sugar, butter, cream or milk, and flavoring.

橘子皮放入或加入饮料中调味的一小块橘子皮。A sliver of citrus peel twisted over or dropped into a beverage for flavoring.

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川菜以辣而闻名,但它的口味既香辣也丰富。Sichuan cuisine is famous for piquancy, but its flavoring is complex as well as hot.

为加香机,雾化器,清新机等产品配专用精油。For Flavoring machine, nebulizer , fresh machine with special oils and other products.

采用酶解新鲜牛奶及香原料创拟而得乳化奶糖香精。Novel milk sweet flavor was composited with enzymed fresh milk and flavoring substances.