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成为一只活脱脱的大山鸡!To be a real big pheasant !

野鸡肉晾好方可食用。Pheasant needs to be well hung.

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你们看,这就是白鹇。Look, this is the Silver Pheasant.

血雉喜选择灌木夜栖。Blood Pheasant preferred to roost in shrub.

那只狗于雉从灌木丛中惊起。The dog flushed a pheasant from the bushes.

野鸡是我们很少能品尝到的美味。A pheasant is a delicacy we seldom can enjoy.

将率各通侯.材官职山鸡。Will lead the pass Hou. Wood office pheasant.

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野鸡是我们很少能品尝到的异味美食。Pheasant is a rare delicacy we seldom can enjoy.

这种塞特种猎犬能异常准确地以头指向山鸡所在的地点。This setter can point pheasant extraordinarily well.

它和兄弟们一起被挂在钩子上。Of a pheasant who hangs from a hook with his brothers.

长兴县体育馆位于雉城镇体育场路。Changxing County Stadium in the town stadium Pheasant Road.

昨天抓的那只山鸡怎么不会叫的。How to will not call that ringed pheasant grasped yesterday of.

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凤凰重生就是涅盘,野鸡重生就是尸变。Phoenix is the rebirth of Nirvana, pheasant rebirth is Evil Dead.

我还和酋长一起去打猎,很多雉鸟。And I also went pheasant hunting with the sheikh while I was there.

凉爽的十月带来野鸡,采集干果使人们欢喜。Fresh October brings the pheasant , then to gather nuts is pleasant.

这样的距离,别说野鸡,就是一只麻雀也逃不出我的准星。For such a range I couldn't have missed a sparrow, let alone a pheasant.

我在拔雉野鸡的毛,因为拔雉野鸡毛的人赶不及将雉野鸡毛拔掉。I am only plucking pheasants 'cause the pheasant plucker's running late.

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在英国北安普敦郡十二月的金色阳光中拍摄到的一只雉。A shot of a pheasant in golden December sunlight in Northamptonshire, UK.

也难怪它被认为是世界上最俊俏的野鸡了。It’s no surprise it’s considered to be the world’s most handsome pheasant.

野鸭,野鸡和野兔在巴罗莎仍然受欢迎。Duck, pheasant and hare continue to be favourites amongst Barossa community.