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只有傻瓜才会相信你的花言巧语。Only a fool will believe your blarney.

布拉尼是那么瘦的赞美和我们喜欢它。And blarney is praise so thin we like it.

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这个词大约起源于1600年的爱尔兰。The word is blarney. It began in Ireland about 1600.

也许一切始于我在布拉尼之石上撒尿。Maybe all this started when I peed on the Blarney stone.

荡姆口齿伶俐,相信一定可以说服她的。I am sure Tom can persuade her. He has kissed the Blarney stone.

巧言石神奇功能的起源并不清楚。The origins of the Blarney Stone's magical properties aren't clear.

约翰口齿伶俐,我相信他一定可以说服他妈妈。I am sure John can persuade his mother. He has kissed the Blarney stone.

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成为一名成功的推销员未必得吻布拉尼石。It's not necessary to have kissed the Blarney Stone to be a successful salesman.

而他的借口听起来相当合理,“这不过是些大同小异的奉承话。”And, he made them sound like very good excusesThisthis is just more of the same blarney.

并且,他使这些借口都听起来是很好的理由,“这更多的只是奉承话。And, he made them sound like very good excuses , "this is just more of the same blarney."

理由是"去年约有40万人亲吻了该石头。"Blarney Stone in Ireland tops the list because "last year about 400000 people kissed it."

这种传统给他们带来了文才,也就是我们有时候所说的那种“胡侃天赋”。This tradition gave them an eloquence which we sometimes describe as the 'gift of blarney.

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布拉尼石,爱尔兰科克郡布拉尼城堡女儿墙上的一块石头。The Blarney Stone is a stone set in the wall of the Blarney Castle tower in the Irish Village of Blarney.

为了保障慕名而来的亲吻者的安全,布拉尼城堡还配备工人专门协助亲吻过程的进行。In an effort to ensure the safety of visiting kisses, Blarney Castle provides a worker to assist in the process.

在一次跟伊利莎白一世的常规交谈中,女王对麦卡锡说你这个人太布拉尼了。In an argument over the general rule of Queen Elizabeth I, the queen told McCarthy that he was giving her "a lot of blarney".

说到我好的朋友,那就是小孙啦!她有着一双黑宝石般的大眼睛,一张樱桃小嘴能说会道。To my good friend it is that xiao sun! She has a pair of big eyes of black stones a cherry mouth have kissed the blarney stone.

亲吻过布拉尼石头的人能将赞美之词说的十分流利和甜蜜,即使你知道这些赞美是假的,也会不由自主的相信。One who has kissed the Blarney stone, so the story goes, can speak words ofpraypraise so smoothly and sweetly that you believe them, even when you know they are false.