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不要在墙上乱涂乱画。Don’t scrawl all over the wall.

这种潦潦草草的东西我能看懂吗!I can't be expected to read this scrawl !

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笔盒里放着一封用稚气的潦草笔迹写的信。Inside the box was a letter written in simple scrawl.

西哥特人将只会在墙壁上涂写一些淫秽下流的话。Visigoth would merely scrawl obscenities on the wall.

至于书法,我们不鼓励他们过早地乱写。As to writing, we do not encourage them to scrawl too early.

在那些无聊的会议上,人们通常一动不动地坐着,面无表情,或者在白纸上乱涂乱画。At those boring meetings, people usually sit still, looking blank, or scrawl on blank paper.

到2070年时,这个年龄段的人还会在他们的笔记上涂写“我们爱约翰、保罗、乔治和伦戈”吗?。Will the class of 2070 scrawl" We love John, Paul, George and Ringo" across their notebooks?

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有时,我就给她一张纸和一只笔,她就会悄无声息在那乱涂乱画。Sometimes, I just gave her a piece of paper and a pen, and she would just quietly scrawl away.

我在每张贺卡上面潦草地写上自己的名字,并且在每个薄薄的信封上写上一个同学的名字。I would scrawl my name on the cards and the name of one of my classmates on each flimsy envelope.

他在厨房的桌上看到了一张请柬,就是当晚的晚餐请柬,请柬上是孩子气的潦草笔迹。He found a note on his kitchen table. It was a dinner invitation for that very night, in a childish scrawl.

他进了学习室,在里面查看这些保密文件——几页哈伯德的龙飞凤舞的潦草笔迹。He entered a study room, where he finally got to examine the secret document—a couple of pages, in Hubbard's bold scrawl.

他进了学习室,在里面查看这些保密文件——几页哈伯德的龙飞凤舞的潦草笔迹。He entered a study room, where he finally got to examine the secret document—a couple of pages, in Hubbard’s bold scrawl.

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搞一个机器人,在月球的尘埃中写下求婚宣言,拍张照,发送到客户的恋爱对象那里。A robot could scrawl a marriage proposal in the lunar dust, take a picture and send it to the customer’s beloved back on Earth.

每一页图像都会带有一个指出达尔文标注处的窗口,还有一份对于他潦草难辨的笔迹的清晰抄本。The image of each page comes with a window describing the locations of Darwin's notes and a transcription of his somewhat illegible scrawl.

我亲手用铅笔在里边划上一些大小不均的杠杠,开始在上面涂上诗句。With my own hands I ruled it with pencil lines, at not very regular intervals, and thereon I began to write verses in a large childish scrawl.

周一时做买卖要小心了,在你落笔签下潇洒的签名之前,要仔细看好印刷精美的合同的每个角落,确定你足够精明。Be careful in business on Monday. Go over all the specifics and make sure you're well-versed in the fine print before you scrawl your signature across the line.

2004年,曼彻斯特大学,科学界安德烈·海姆先用铅笔在一页纸上乱涂,然后使用透明胶带剥离出表面的石墨烯涂层。In 2004, Andre Geim at the University of Manchester made a pencil scrawl on a sheet of paper, then used a length of Sellotape to pull off the graphite deposits.

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如果一只在沙滩上玩耍的狗设法用一根棒子涂鸦出一个单词“Ed”,很少有人愿意相信这只狗确实想要指示一个名字是“Ed”的人。If a dog playing on the beach manages to scrawl the word "Ed" in the sand with a stick, few would want to claim that the dog actually meant to refer to someone named Ed.

那时候,我已经学会了我的书法。我的连写体字母衔接得非常漂亮,比我那一年前歪歪扭扭的,潦草的字迹要好了很多。By that time, I had learned my penmanship. My cursive letters flowed in a fair, clean hand from my pen, far better than the crooked scrawl I had been using even a year before.

她在图书馆举办的朋克历史展前驻足,用永久记号笔在展览的标志牌上潦草地写下了一些著名女性朋克艺术家的名字。While there, she stopped by the institution's punk history exhibition to scrawl over the names of prominent female punk artists in permanent marker onto to the show's signage.